CHANCE ME!! For Notre Dame, Carnegie Mellon, and UC Berkeley!!!

3.99 Weighed GPA (All Honors and AP's, notable AP's: Bio, Chem, Economics, US, Gov, Calc, Environmental, Euro, also Molecular Bio, which is a college-level class with Honors credit).
Rank is 25/335.
2250 Composite on SAT I (1 time taken), 800 Math, 730 CR, 720 Wr. 730 SAT II Bio, 800 SAT II Math Level II, 750 SAT II Chem, 720 SAT II US History, and 770 SAT II Physics. 32 on ACT</p>

Co-captain of my debate team, with honors and awards attached during my 4 years. 4 years doing National History Day (creator of the group website for all 4 years), along with an officer position. DECA for 3 years. Volunteered at a nursing home for about 100 hours. Started a tutoring firm over the summer.
For forensics, I have won awards for top in the state and nationals. I have also qualified for nationals twice in National History Day.
I also did taekwondo for 11 years, and was on the leadership group for head instructor of the center. To add to that sport, I was in racquetball for a club. I'm on the Spanish, Mu Alpha Theta (math), and National Honors Societies for tutoring others.
Forgot to add, I also started up my own blog, which has had about 1 million views, so it is moderately popular. It is a scientific one, and I'm looking into engineering</p>

<p>Bump bump bump!</p>

<p>anyone there???</p>

<p>I think you have a great chance for all of these schools</p>

<p>^ This. Don’t submit ACT though.</p>

<p>Good chance everywhere. The blog thing is cool (hope you didn’t artificially inflate the hits).</p>

<p>I didn’t inflate it lol. But is uc Berkeley within my range?</p>

<p>Also, why should I not submit an act?</p>

<p>I am confused…in your earlier post you reported:
“Do I have a shot at Yale?
Right now I’m a junior…
SAT I- 750 CR/770 WR/800 M = 2320 COMP”
and now your SAT1 score is
“2250 Composite on SAT I (1 time taken)”
Don’t get me wrong…both are great scores…just…they don’t match…which is a big red flag in my book.
~APOL-a Mum</p>

<p>That first post wasn’t me, even though it was my account. I’m really sorry about that, as I didn’t intentionally try to do anything wrong. I can delete that thread if you wish</p>