Chance me for School of Business? Junior Transfer for Class of 2020 - Fall 2018

Hey guys! I’m applying this winter with hopes of being admitted as a Junior for Fall 2018 - class of 2020. Let me know what you guys think! To explain my GPA: I took a few dual enrollment courses in high school and got C’s. This is why my GPA has been anchored; however, I have been dean’s list in the entirety of my post-HS CC enrollment. I hope my upward trend and EC’s can vouch for me when they look at my app.

-First generation
-Northern VA/DC native - been here my whole life

-GPA: 3.3/4.0 upon application submission, but will be graduating with a 3.5-3.6
-Cum Laude Associate’s with Honors (spring 2018 - keeping in mind i’ll have 3.5+ after final spring semester)
-Dean’s list x4 semesters
-Strong essay
-2 strong letters of rec

-Founder/President of Finance related club at CC
-Founder/President of Professional Development related club at CC
-Volunteer/Fundraising/Charity work
-Bloomberg Market Concepts Certification

Work/Relevant Experience?
-Current part-time business/data internship at tech. company
-Summer 2017 Bloomberg Financial Analytics internship in London
-Studied financial markets abroad in London, Summer 2017

What do you guys think? I’m very worried about my GPA. The deadline for applying as a transfer will be before my 3.3 bumps up to a 3.5-3.6 and I think this will hurt me. Also, I know for a fact that my GPA will rise to these heights as I have used the calculators- i expect to get all a’s because I only have business electives left for the spring.


Not too shabby I think you could. I’m a senior at GWSB right now and I love it. Even though George Washington is a very expensive school, it adequately prepares you the real world. By real world I mean that GWSB does a very good job of getting its students situated into competitive internships and career paths. A large number of students here are studying to be CPA’s and a large number of students are looking to get into big 4’s: Deloitte, PwC, etc. Plus there’s a fair number of students here that go onto the Ivy league for their M.B.A’s.

Also, I’m not an adcom but being on the dean’s list the last few semesters should definitely offset your slightly lower g.p.a. You’re basically saying that it’s not where it could be now because of classes you took in high school? I would think that they would overlook that and just focus on your most recent grades post high school- in which case you should be fine. I met this older lady at NVCC with similar stats to yours- I don’t know how she got in given she was like in her mid-thirties and incredibly rude- but if she got in I would hope you do too. It actually sounds like you have a story to tell.

@GWYalie1994 Yes! I got 3 C’s when I was in high school and it’s been weighing my GPA down. However, every semester at NOVA has been 3.667 - 4.0. That sounds reassuring, hopefully I get in!

Also, I personally am gunning for IB, do you know what the banking on campus recruitment is like at GW?

Your G.P.A from NOVA looks solid- that’s about what I had when I transferred in- I had a 3.69 and got into U.Va and GWSB. It was either the U.Va college of art and sciences or the George Washington School of Business. I elected to go to GWSB because my parents went there: my mom for undergrad and grad and my dad for grad. Even though I’m not an adcom, I honestly think you will be fine. And by “IB” do you mean the international business degree? GW is rated very high for International Business, so I think that would be a smart decision. As for bank recruiting, well there’s kind of still a hierarchy here. For example, in my career management course we had to find internships and contact recruiters and such. Everyone got nice offers, but to get the really nice mouthwatering offers like at Mckinsey and Company, Barclays and Goldman Sachs though takes a ton of work IMO. Like for me my dream grad school is Yale SOM- the recruiting over there really does comprise the best of the best. Mckinsey and Company, for example, checks your g.p.a, GMAT score and where you got your degree from. A lot of people go to PWC, Deloitte, KPMG and Ernst Young . The real ambitious students here usually go to a big four and then get funding for their master’s.

Oh yeah and btw I got a 1.9 something in high school- I would move on from all that IMO. I’ve moved on from my terrible g.p.a in high school and am now working on harder stuff like taking the GMAT soon, applying for jobs, etc. Just do well and focus on the harder stuff and don’t mind the b.s in the past.

Here are some people who made it big big from GWSB- they’ve got their work experience listed so you can see what they did while at GWSB, what they did in between GWSB and MBA, and what they did after getting an MBA. From what I’ve gleaned, they all had nice jobs post GWSB and did well there and then made it huge.


@GWYalie1994 awesome! Thanks so much for all the resources and insight. It’s also between UVA Econ or GWSB for me… by IB, I mean Investment Banking. I’m well aware of how competitive and difficult landing a job in banking is in undergrad but I have been and am preparing myself very well; in that regards, it’s a tough choice! I’m guaranteed admission to UVA Econ but I feel more at home at GW. I will check out those profiles right now though… looks very promising!

@msport Have you considered transferring into Mcintire from the college of art and science? All around, Mcintire is rated higher than GWSB and it might be better to go there if you want to go into IB straight out of undergrad. I’m planning to get an M.B.A hopefully right after college so that’s one reason I chose GWSB. GWSB is a bit more lax than Mcintire and the grading curve at GWSB is also a bit more forgiving. Not to mention I love being in the center of D.C…

@GWYalie1994 MBA right after college? Most MBA programs, especially the top 15, require that you work for 2-5 years before you are eligible. Why right after? & I’m actually guaranteed admission to UVA econ, and plan to do my M.S. in Commerce at McIntire right after graduating from UVA if I haven’t secured a job yet.


@Msport That’s definitely a viable plan- Mcintire or Darden after getting an economics degree. I’m assuming you’ve chosen U.Va then? And yes most top colleges require you to work for a number of years before applying to an M.B.A program though there are a few schools like Harvard and Stanford that have special admissions programs for college senior- tbh I probably won’t get in because the students that dude are incredibly brilliant but I figure since my parents both got a master’s from GWSB right after college I might as well try my luck. If not, just reapply after 2-4 years at Deloitte or PWC.

@Msport That’s definitely a viable plan- Mcintire or Darden after getting an economics degree. I’m assuming you’ve chosen U.Va then? And yes most top colleges require you to work for a number of years before applying to an M.B.A program; though, there are a few schools such as Harvard and Stanford that have special admissions programs for college senior- tbh I probably won’t get in because the students that do get into those programs are incredibly brilliant, but I figure since my parents both got a master’s from GWSB right after college I might as well try my luck. If not, just reapply after 2-4 years at Deloitte or PWC.