Chance me as a Transfer?

Hey guys, posting again because just got accepted into American’s Kogod School of Business but my heart is with GWU, and my GPA went up a little bit. Let me know if you think I stand a chance?

I’m mostly worried about my GPA, however, I believe my EC’s and personal statement will go a long way because GWU is known for being holistic in their approach. I’m also applying to UVA Econ, NYU Econ, and UNC.

-Asian Male
-Transferring from VA CC as an incoming Junior
-Northern VA/DC native - personal statement will be strong (passion for gw and culture/diversity)
-Applying to GWSB for Finance

-GPA: 3.4/4.0. 3.5+ when I receive my associate’s this spring, but I guess that will be irrelevant
-Dean’s List x4 Semesters, Presidential Scholar x1 Semester
-3 Letters of Recommendation (1 from Dean of Accounting, 1 from Dean of Economics, 1 from former VP of Chamber of Commerce - currently my professor)
My gpa is so low because I took dual enrollment classes in high school and slacked off/didn’t care, ever since enrolling full time i’ve been on dean’s list - but have been weighed down by a D and 2 C’s from HS

-President/Founder of finance related club
-President/Founder of professional development club for diversity students
-Member of Stock Market Club
-Volunteer experience
-Charity/Fundraising experience

Relevant to Major EC/Work Experience/Internships:
-Financial Analytics Summer Internship at Bloomberg L.P. this past summer in London
-Studied abroad in London this past summer, studying financial markets at UEL
-Bloomberg Market Concepts certification
-Banking internship at credit union a few years ago
-Currently a Systems Specialist(developing a program) at a tech. company (this is non-related to Finance, however, the job requires extreme attention to detail, organizational skills, time management, teamwork, patience, etc. - soft skills that are necessary to acquire)

What do you guys think? I’d love to hear @NHuffer 's opinion. Thanks!

? bump

Is your GPA listed only your CC GPA or is it cumulative with high school?

Regardless, I think your application looks great. Your GPA might not be as high as incoming-freshman (as they have honors/AP classes that give a bump) but if you’ve kept a 3.5 in CC I think that’s competitive, especially NOVA CC.

Like with anyone else, I recommend putting a lot of thought and heart into your application and showing interest in GW via a tour and chatting with admissions folks. I wouldn’t be too stressed about it, though- you seem like a good fit.

@NHuffer It’s only my CC GPA. HS GPA shouldn’t matter because I am transferring after completing my Associate’s and will have 54 credits completed when I submit my application.

I plan to do an official visit sometime next week.

Thanks for the input!