Chance me for SOM?

I know the SOM is extremely competitive and I’m not really sure Id get in. I looked at the decisions from 2021 and 2020 thread and I feel like I’m on the edge (I could get in, but also not).

My stats:
1410 SAT (sent)
31 ACT (sent)
GPA: 98 (unweighted) *this might go down since my first quarter senior grades have not been released yet, and from the way things are going, Im guessing my average will go down to a 95)
AP Classes: World (4), US History (4), English Language (4), Calculus AB, Physics, Spanish, Macro, Stat
ECs: Math Club, Science Olympiads, Karate, Peer Tutor, job as an assistant counselor at a camp (summer 2016), job as a cashier (summer 2017 - present)
Awards: AP Scholar, Math Honors Society, Science Honors Society, Business Honors Society, Silver in the National Spanish Exam

Regarding my standardized test scores, does Binghamton have it’s own concordance table when it comes to comparing SAT and ACT? I sent both because I wasn’t really sure which one was better (some sources said a 1410 was a 32 and others said it was a 30 or 31). From the majority of sources, a 31 seemed higher, but my problem is that my math and science were low while my english was what made my composite higher. My SAT score is balanced, which I received a CR score of 700 and a Math score of 710. Which one is most likely going to be reviewed? Could they possibly take into account both?

I’d say you have a good chance of getting in; you have a decent SAT/ACT score and a solid GPA along with multiple extra curricular activities. I was wondering, what other schools did you apply to? As for Binghamton, the SOM is more competitive than it’s other schools, however, on the slight chance that you won’t get in, you can always apply for another school within Bing and transfer to the SOM. I hear many students do that. I’m a freshman at Rutgers Honors College and am transferring to the SOM in the Spring semester, so admissions primarily looked at my High School Transcript. I had roughly a 4.1 GPA and an SAT score of 1440/1600. I applied my senior year and was accepted. I’d say you were on the same boat as I was. I wouldn’t worry too much about it, you’ll get in.

For the standardized test scores, they look at whatever you send them. If you send them both, I’m sure they’ll take both in consideration. A 31 on the ACT is higher than a 1410 on the SAT and it’s completely fine if one subject out-weighs another.

Hope I helped ya!


I applied early action for the business schools at SUNY Albany and Buffalo. Upon looking at the average SAT/ACT scores at both schools, I realized I was way above their standards and didn’t really need to worry all that much about being rejected. However, since Binghamton is the most reputable among the SUNYs and appears to be the flagship for recruiters and internships, I am really focusing on getting admitted to Bighamton’s SOM.

I’m concerned over my 1410 because many people in the 2021 decisions thread with similar stats got deferred and/or rejected. The people with 33-36 ACTs and 1500+ SATs got accepted really early on. I saw some individuals who applied to Harpur with a 31 ACT get deferred. If so many were deferred with the same stats as me in Harpur (the easiest school to get admitted to), I really question whether Bing will accept me for SOM. Of course, I noticed a few outliers (people with 30 ACTs, for example) but they were notably out of state.

Are those deferred in January the first to be reviewed when it comes to the RD pool? I saw this person with a 30 ACT apply RD in December and get accepted in late January (this be earlier than someone who got deferred and got accepted in let’s say March?) I’m hoping that if I’m deferred, I’d have a pretty good shot at being accepted shortly after January 15th

I know no one is really responding to my questions here, but at the slight chance that someone knows the answer, does anyone know the average SAT/ACT score of an admitted SOM freshman? I want to see how I fare against other SOM applicants in terms of standardized test scores and GPA.


I have called and asked this question to the admissions dept and the SOM and they really do not give those figures out, however, they always tell me that to shoot for the upper end of the percentile range so if it is a 27-31 for the ACT, try and hit the 31 or higher. It is very important to realize that there are a lot of students who get into the SOM with 29 and 30 scores but nobody really has an average unfortunately.


In regards to GPA, do you think they weigh cumulative GPA or first quarter senior grades more? My first quarter senior grades are consistent for the most part, except for Physics, which I have a 90 in (it’s not that bad of a grade, but it sticks out like a sore thumb.) I was sort of banking on my GPA to showcase myself, since there are a number of people applying with 31+ ACTs.

I wonder why SOM is so reserved when it comes to releasing their data. Releasing a rough SAT/ACT range would allow applicants to determine whether they are fit or not for the SOM. I feel like I’m taking a shot in the dark since all I know is that a 31 is on the higher end for Harpur, not for SOM.


They do not look at any grades in 12th grade, just 9-11th grade. At the end of the year they want a transcript to see you graduated etc but that is it.

@euve69 and @stechin My son applied Early Action three years ago to SOM with SAT score that was equivalent to 31 ACT and gpa that fell roughly between each of your kids (about 96 weighted) with half honors thru grades 9-11 but no APs until fall of senior year (he took 5 APs). His high school was a rigorous competitive high school and had several strong extracurricular activities with leadership positions. He got deferred in January. (There were two separate release decisions for Early Action, with the first release being the first week of December and the second release (mostly all deferrals) in mid January. Binghamton SOM requested his Fall senior year grades so I know they looked at it before making a decision. Perhaps they wanted to see his grades in his AP courses since he had not taken any until senior year. I think the fact his grades were strong in each of his AP courses in Fall made a difference in getting him accepted in Early March. But by the time he received his acceptance in March his heart and mind was set to go to Ohio State Fisher College of Business which accepted him in the first wave in November (the Friday before thanksgiving) and offered him national Buckeye and provost scholarship ($15000 total per year) which made the cost of attending only a few more thousand than Binghamton. By the way anecdotally it seems Binghamton SOM admissons standards are a bit easier to get into if you are a full pay out of stater, as they want to increase diversity and receive the extra outofstate tuition revenue.

@euve69 I believe the colleges look at first quarter grades to some degree because they would want to see how well a student did with AP classes (senior year is the year where most students take many APs, such as myself). If a student proves that they were competent in all of their AP classes, this will work in their favor. I’m just hoping that senior grades wont be that huge of a deal

@trackmbe3 If I happen to get deferred like your son had, I really hope Bing would consider my first quarter grades because my grades in this years’ AP classes are pretty decent. How many did he take, and which ones? I purposely chose the APs that are tailored to looking “good” for a business major (although I could have been good without Physics, which is bringing my GPA down.) If I were allowed out of state, I would have tried, but I’m staying in state in order to lower the costs. Since I’m majoring in business, I figured I might as well stay in NY since NYC is the business capital of the country anyway

@stechin I sent you a PM

SoM loves to see an SAT over 1400 so you have a very good shot.

@sprinkles12 A score above a 1400 is decent, but unfortunately, it’s on the low end of the 1400-1500 range. I’m seeing people on the forums applying to SOM with +1450 so I look mediocre in comparison. I feel like Bing won’t really consider my SAT since people have been telling me that they only look at the higher test score (which is my ACT apparently.) Although my SAT is less than my ACT, I still find my SAT score more impressive (especially with the essay score.)


Sure there are a lot of people with really high scores applying to binghamton but for many of them binghamton is not necessarily their first choice. So yes, mr. 1500 might be applying to bing but he’s also applying to schools like cornell, michigan and nyu. Looking at your GPA and SAT you have a very good shot, don’t stress out too much.