Chance at getting in SOM?

Hi i’m a senior and it’s around the time to apply to schools and i was just wondering if you think it’s realistic to get into SOM based on the given info.
weighted gpa: 93.7
act: 29 (retaking this weekend)
sat: 1720 (get new score tomorrow)
extra curricular-
jv cheer captain
varsity cheer captain
DECA- NYS and internationally placed
national honor society
business honor society
spanish honor society
MBA certificate from business department

community service:
help children read in public library
raise money and participate in breast cancer walk every year
created a breast cancer awareness week in school and raised over $4000
thank you, i dont know anyone who went to binghamton so it would be nice to get some idea where i stand

Well, you will have a harder time since you are from new york state and your current SAT is a little low. But if you can get your ACT up to maybe 30 and your SAT to above 2000 you have a much better shot. I would apply anyway. Good luck!

VictoriaMarie, you have not provided enough information for people to give you an informed judgement about the fit between your credentials and the school. Will your application show strong math skills-a must for business? How far did you go in math? Any related activities (AMC/E?) Do you have anything in your credentials that suggest you are a go getter well suited for business. I’d warn you that some of what you have listed may look impressive to those who are not in the know (all the honor societies) but don’t really translate into genuine achievements. Those are the honor society designations. They are often given for good grades and doing a minor amount of good stuff, so they are actually redundant.There’s where you’ll probably shine! As interesting is your DECA- NYS activities. Are they significant? Describe them! What did you do for the certificate? Although not required, do you have any SAT2’s in STEM? What type of classes did you take?

I think people can provide more thoughtful replies if you provide more information for them to work with.

You probably need to raise your ACT/SAT to have a decent chance, especially for SOM. But your gpa and extracurriculars are solid.

Thank you for your honest answer!!!