Chance me for the University of Wisconsin please?

<p>I am visiting the school next week, I keep falling more and more for this school! Do I have a chance of getting in?</p>

<p>•Gender: Female
•Ethnicity: African American & White
•Income: ~200k
•Mother: Currently enrolled in community college
•Father: Bachelors degree in Elementary Education University of Arizona. Self Employed.
•Location: Arizona
I am adopted by my white father, I have two sisters who are very blonde and white. My common app is mostly centered around being the only african american in my entire extended family and how it has effected the way that I have grown up. Also a focus on my religion. Not sure what to write about for the WI application.</p>

•Large public high school, one of the best in state.
•GPA: 3.73
•Rank: School does not rank as most of our students are very high achieving. Probably somewhere in top 20-25% based on GPA.
•ACT: 29, retaking on October 25th, not submitting my SAT
•AP tests:
Euro (3) Lit (3) </p>

•Freshman: Honors Biology 9, Honors English 9, Honors Global Issues, Algebra 1, Health, Intro to Media Productions, Intro to Theatre Arts, Spanish 2
•Sophomore: Forensics Chemistry, Honors English, AP European History (only AP offered to sophomores), Geometry, (honors credit earned), Advanced Media Productions, Photo 1, Spanish 3
•Junior: Physics, AP English Lit, US History, Advanced photography, Spanish 4, Algebra 2, P.E, Photography 2
•Senior: AP World History, AP Biology, AP gov, Econ, Ceramics/PE, English 12 (war and conflict)
(Am I not taking enough APs? I am really worried about this)</p>

•Tennis (9-12, team captain grade 12, possibly MVP this year)
•Jewish youth group (9-12, VP of communications)
•Teacher's Assistant (11-12)
•High School Hebrew School (9-12)
•Jewish/Latino teen coalition (11, trip to DC for 10 young minority leaders in my city to speak with representatives of government about discrimination and immigration policies)
•Piano (12 years)</p>

•Hostess in Italian Restaurant, 25 hours a week (August 2014 - present)</p>

•Speech and Debate (9-10, officer grade 10)
•National Honors Society (11-12)
•Link Crew (12, first year this program is at my school)
•Senior Sis/Freshman sis (Grades 9 and 12)</p>

•Most improved tennis player of the year
•National Honors Society initiation
•Connections event co-chair and “l'dor vador (generation to generation)” Jewish Mother/Daughter duo of the year</p>

<p>Community Service (probably like 400 hours)
•Elderly assisted living home volunteer/member on teen advisory council (grades 7-12)
•Ben’s Bells (grades 6-12)
•Thrift store volunteer (Summer between 10th and 11th grade)</p>

<p>My biggest insecurity is that I feel like I haven't taken enough challenging courses while I have been in high school. My mother was struggling with an alcohol dependency that she's now gotten help for during my first few years of high school and my main focus was on making sure my sisters were taken care of. I didn't take as many AP classes for this reason. Will this really effect my chances?</p>

<p>From what I understand, seems your ACT Score is strong, GPA is “average” but between the Job and extracurriculars you take part in should look make you look good. Although earlier on in school you didn’t take a difficult course load, there at least seems to be an upward trend in the rigor of classes you took over the years. Lastly I might add, you spoke of your mother’s alcoholism during your High school career that distracted you from your learning since you helped tend to your sisters, mention this in the statement area where it asks If there’s any additional information you wish to mention. That will help your chances. All in all you look like a strong candidate and I wish you best of luck.</p>

<p>And if it’s too much of a trouble, I posted a “chance” thread as well the other day on here for Wisconsin, if it’s not too much trouble for you to express your opinions of my application it would be much appreciated!</p>

<p>Apply. Write good essays. Get good recommendations.</p>