Chance me for Transfer Fall 2019

Alright, here are my stats:

3.7 college GPA
26 transferable credits
2 excellent rec letters, including one from an honors prof
Part of my university’s honors program
Freshmen honors society at my uni
University job
Volunteer for Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, including being a Youth Ambassador
Debate Judge for high school debate
Had my essays looked over by a family member with a degree in creative writing
Majoring in History
29 on ACT
Past ECs in high school including debate team, German Club president, two choirs, volunteer at humane society, jobs, etc,
I’m at an in-state four year university right now (Stevens Point)
Applied priority
Had a pretty poor gpa in high school (3.0) due to mental illness (I talked about it in my essays)

What are my chances?

Looks good.

Solid, especially since you’re transferring within the UW system it shouldn’t be too bad. I assume you’re transferring to UW-Madison.