Chance me for UCI, UCD, UCSB, UCSD

UC GPA: 3.91
SAT new: 1420
ACT: 30
AP: 4 on World History, 3 on APUSH, currently taking APCalc and AP Physics as a senior
Class Rank: 80/606
Took all honors courses aside from English through high school
ECs: not very good, volunteer at hospital, mosque, write reviews for library, taking courses past couple of years to learn Arabic with a tutor, did some clubs but didn’t participate too much in them.

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19:

UCB: 12%
UCLA: 14%
UCSD: 39%
UCSB: 49%
UCD: 52%
UCI: 57%
UCSC: 83%
UCR: 90%
UCM: 92%

Intended major? Your UC GPA is within range but below average for all the UC’s on your list. ACT is on target.

Depending upon major, UCI is the most probable followed by UCD and UCSB. UCSD will be the toughest admit. Apply widely and make sure your 1-2 safety schools on your list.

Good Luck.

Thanks for the reply, though I have to ask, why does the list you used say I have a 52% chance for UCI based on my GPA, yet on the UCI freshman admissions profile it states that 3.92 GPA is the 25th percentile?

The list posted is for a UC GPA range so the lower end of the range would be a lower chance while the higher end would be a higher chance. These are just averages based only on GPA. Test scores, EC’s and essays would also factor into your chances along with your intended major.

For UCI specifically, you can see the average UC GPA of enrolled students by major on this link:

I’m still a little confused at how your list states that I have a 57% chance for UCI based on GPA, but the percentile on the website is so much lower for a 3.9, it seems like your list should have numbers closer to the website?

I gave you the link and you can look up the numbers yourself. I did not say you have a 57% chance of getting in but UCI accepted 57% of applicants within that UC GPA range. Test scores, EC’s and essays along with major will all contribute to your chances. What is your intended major?

Here is a link to look up the average UC GPA for enrolled students at UCI by Major:

You are below below the average GPA for all the campuses you list. I’d say they are all a reach. You should apply but, you are a better match for UCSC and UCR. SDSU is also worth a look.
Good luck

But aren’t those averages on the freshman profile heavily inflated because so many people use UCI and UCD as safeties?

Unless an applicant has extremely high stats, UCI and UCD are not safeties for the majority of applicants. Take a look at past decision threads and see very qualified applicants getting waitlisted or rejected. I do not think these averages are heavily inflated. There are many very competitive applicants applying to the UC’s.

Interesting, so have the averages been increasing yearly? Or was last years profile not as high as it was before?

Yes the averages have been slowly creeping up each year along with a large increase in applications and a decrease in admit rates.