Chance me for UC's

<p>Please chance me and if you could please tell me what would be a better option besides applying to UC's based on my statistics. I come from a low income, immigrant( moved here 4 years ago) family. I also speak 2 other languages besides English. (I am going to write all of this in my personal statements)</p>

<p>Sophmore Year
Chemistry(H) A/A
Precalc B/B
World History B/A
AP Comp Sci C/C
English 10 A/B</p>

<p>Junior Year
AP Calc B/B
AP Physics C/B
AP Psych B/A
Spanish 1 B/A
English 11 B/B</p>

<p>Rank - probably top 15% in a public CA school (top 5% in the state)</p>

<p>Could someone tell me what my UC gpa is based these grades.</p>

<p>I am applying to all UC's but merced and Santa Cruz.</p>

Math 2 - 640
Physics - 580
US History - 590</p>

<p>SAT I
taking it in 2 weeks. (Hoping for an 1800-1900 score)</p>

<p>AP scores
AP Calc - 4
AP US - 4
AP Psych - 3</p>

3 years of key club
70+ hours
job over a summer
2 years of track and cross country
6 years of soccer outside of school</p>

<p>Thank you for your time :)</p>

<p>You can apply but your chances look really, really bad. You barely scrap any A’s, your SAT is pretty low, and the fact that you admit that you’re only top 15% at a bottom public school indicate that you’re not really UCLA (or Berkeley for the matter) material. </p>

<p>Holistic admissions definitely does not extend to students with such a low class standing. Even if UCLA or Berkeley choose to toss you a bone and compare your stats to other students from your school, it will not come out favorably for you. 97% of UCLA students are top 10% of their class.</p>

<p>UCs UCSD and below are very stats driven so you’re definitely not going to make UCSD and Irvine, Davis, and Santa Barbara will be reaches.</p>

<p>I meant my school is in the top 5% not bottom. I have a really competitive class(probably best in the school’s history) that’s why my rank is low.</p>

<p>Sorry, I was confused because you said you were low income.</p>