<p>Please chance me and if you could please tell me what would be a better option besides applying to UC's based on my statistics. I come from a low income, immigrant( moved here 4 years ago) family. I also speak 2 other languages besides English. (I am going to write all of this in my personal statements)</p>
<p>Sophmore Year
Chemistry(H) A/A
Precalc B/B
World History B/A
AP Comp Sci C/C
English 10 A/B</p>
<p>Junior Year
AP Calc B/B
AP Physics C/B
AP Psych B/A
Spanish 1 B/A
English 11 B/B</p>
<p>Rank - probably top 15% in a public CA school (top 5% in the state)</p>
<p>Could someone tell me what my UC gpa is based these grades.</p>
<p>I am applying to all UC's but merced and Santa Cruz.</p>
Math 2 - 640
Physics - 580
US History - 590</p>
<p>SAT I
taking it in 2 weeks. (Hoping for an 1800-1900 score)</p>
<p>AP scores
AP Calc - 4
AP US - 4
AP Psych - 3</p>
3 years of key club
70+ hours
job over a summer
2 years of track and cross country
6 years of soccer outside of school</p>
<p>Thank you for your time :)</p>