Chance me for UCs

Im currently senior in California
UC GPA: 3.95
Highschool GPA: 4.04
Unweighted: 3.79
1420 Sat Score (740 Math 680 English 18 Essay)
30 Act
Lots of extracurriculars such as volleyball, student government, academic decathlon and hospital volunteer
Got straight As junior year
Chance me for all the UCs please
Applying as environmental science major

Test scores? EC’s? Home state?

I updated the post! @Gumbymom

If there’s one thing I learned from applying last year it’s that UC admissions are really unpredictable, but we have similar stats and I got into UCSD, UCI, and UC Davis (rejected from Berkeley and UCLA and didn’t apply to the rest) I think you have a good shot! Hope that helps, good luck :slight_smile:

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19:

UCB: 14%-Reach
UCLA: 14%-Reach
UCSD: 44%-High Match-Low Reach
UCSB: 54%-High Match-Match
UCD: 58%-High Match-Match
UCI: 65%-Match
UCSC: 85%-Match
UCR: 94%- Safety
UCM: 96%- Safety

Best of luck.

You have a high chance of getting into all of the UCs, except LA and Berkeley, those two are more of a reach.

In order to have a better chance of getting into LA/Berkeley, you should aim to raise your ACT to around 34 and your SAT to around 1500.

It would be better if your GPA was higher for LA/Berkeley, but it is probably too late to change that now.

yeah I agree my goal is to get into davis I’m just stressing because I didn’t think my stats were high enough

Although this was 4 years ago, my older son got into UC Davis as an Environmental Science major. His UC GPA was 4.17 but ACT of 26. Very good essays and EC’s, so you have a good chance.

UCR and UCM probably, UCSC, maybe … the rest, probably not