Chance me for UW Madison

inner city female, white (mom immigrated from Turkey)

3.90 gpa
33 act
top 10% of class of 400
mn resident

girl scout for 8 years
graduated 3 year leadership camp
held part time retail job
volunteering at a childrens hospital

honor roll for all of high school
commended scholar for 2017 psat

3 APs
2 Honors
5 IBs

prospective bio major

I know my ECs are pretty bad and my scores don’t exactly make up for them, but if anyone could provide some feedback that would be appreciated.

Presume that’s your unweighted gpa. If so, looks good.

Your EC’s are fine. Quality over quantity is a good way to go. Assuming that’s an uw GPA you should be good, based on prior years. Are you applying to Letters & Sciences? Are you also planning to apply to UMN/CBS? :wink:

@JBStillFlying Yes to unweighted, yes to letters and sciences. I’m applying to UMN liberal arts for the biology, society & environment major. As a prospective premed student, I have been advised to avoid CBS so that I could possibly fit a minor in and still get my prereqs done without the extra requirement classes in CBS (like computer science). Would you agree?

@abcara Yes I would! CLA is a far more flexible college for tailoring your programs of study to what you need and liberal arts has always struck me as an appropriate degree for a pre-med track. You would hopefully get invited to Honors as well.

Good Luck to you!

You’re in, easy. A ton of people on this site have been overselling UW. I’m a current student and with those stats, it should be a cakewalk - you can probably expect some generous financial aid as well. You’ve done a fantastic job and I hope to see you here next fall!

yes, on target if not safety. But also depends on what AP courses you have. 3AP is on the low side.

The 5 IB’s are like AP’s. It’s really more like 8 AP/IB altogether.

@JB still… Please note that UW has a College of Letters and Sciences (L&S). Other schools may call theirs other things. Do you really have knowledge about UW when you talk about it?

@wis75 - I believe so - some colleges more than others. What specifically do you want to know about UW?

My comment is regarding the term “CLA”- never heard of it for UW. L&S is the liberal arts college at UW (remember sciences are liberal arts, not just humanities!).

^ That’s because I wasn’t referring to UW-Madison’s College of Letters and Sciences (to which my son has applied EA, by the way). I was referring to UMN’s College of Liberal Arts. Go back and read the post again. Minor hijack? Sure. Ignorance? I think not.

Addendum: Actually read posts #2 - 4. BTW, I happen to prefer UW-Madison’s university structure/organization over UMN’s. But that’s a topic for another day.

great application for sure. Should be in. However, our current “UW Student” from lets say Kenosha should know that financial aid at UW is almost exclusively need based not academic based for out of state kids. So, you could have a 34 and a 3.95 unweighted at a prep school and dad is an alum and if you are upper income nothing from UW. We just saw it in La Jolla CA… Class of 2022. My daughter. There are so many exceptions to admissions stats but dollars if you have it forget money from UW unless need based. Merit just no way unless you apply for niche endowed scholarships or a sensational in state kid under one of the new endowed programs. and I mean sensational

I thought they had increased merit funds in the past year or so to attract high stats kids, but have no idea whether that’s for iS or OOS. I do believe you have to apply for merit. It’s not an automatic consideration the way it is at other schools. S19 has already been sent a notice letting him know he can apply for merit even before getting an admission decision.

@rogerman1 @JBStillFlying thank you, that’s very helpful. I’m not extremely worried about aid as I do get MN-WI reciprocity.

The big issue with MN-reciprocity is that they can always restrict the number of admits from that pool. For this fall, the MN accepted rate remained a little less than 50% so a tad lower than other OOS (but higher than international by a good amount). UW-Wisconsin does allow MN kids through the “back-door” of J-frosh admission. However, no reason for them to do so if the ACT is something like a 33 since they’d forego reporting it to NCES and CDS and so forth.