Chance me for WashU/Stanford.

<p>Well...techinically you guys aren't chancing me...but my very best friend. I haven't been into the college process too much so far but she is very set on going to WashU/Stanford. I know her stats but I'm not so sure if I know she'll get in. She's been very persistent about asking me. So as a best friend, I want to ask all of you what her chances are for these two schools so I can give her a honest answer.</p>

<p>Grade: 12
School Size: 1800
Public School
No School Rank
Race: Asian Female
APs Taken: Euro, Chem, Bio, Calc AB, Gov. (I think either 5s or 4s and maybe a 3)
APs taking this year: English, Physics, Econ. (I don't think she's going to do very well)
SAT: middle range of 1900s....i want to say 1950
SAT IIs: Bio, Chem, Math (all in middle 600 range or high 500 range)
ECs: Volunteering at public library/hospital, piano (not very much anymore), spanish club, speech and debate, track (JV freshman year only), orchestra, babysitting.
Work: Worked in a biology lab.</p>

<p>Please give me a honest response, I really want to be a good friend.</p>


<p>I'm a college freshman, and I remember what it's like. A bit all too well, since I intend on applying as a fall '08 transfer, which I'm preparing for now, since it's going to be an uphill battle for a number of reasons, but I won't get into that now.</p>

<p>I feel like I should give a bit of background though, so you can understand where I'm coming from. I'm at Tufts, and I was surprised I got in. I'm convinced it was just my essays that did it really (I'm a good writer, and my Tufts app was my last, so I think those essays were the best and most focused), and they probably gave me the benefit of the doubt. I'm black (so that probably played a role too), and I went to a really intense prep school.</p>

<p>So my SAT scores were 2050, my GPA was good, esp. considering the school 3.2~3.4, but I can't quite remember, and I had a solid set of activities and extracurriculars. I kind of had a lot, and they rotated slightly about every year or two, but I explained that in an addendum.</p>

<p>I was rejected from Barnard, Stanford, Cornell, and Brown. I got into Tufts, Vassar, Oberlin, and NYU (for the GD? program or whatever they call it - I would have been in Florence this year, then transferred as a regular undergrad after 2 years). I was waitlisted for Columbia.</p>

<p>So anyway, now with that out of the way... WashU and Stanford are definitely superior to Tufts. Stanford rejected me, but I expected it. I have a friend applying early to WashU from my school this year. She is Asian as well, but she's graduating cum laude with a 3.8~4.0, and her scores are above 2200. She is worried about getting in, but I'm fairly sure she'll make it.</p>

<p>I know I've said a lot, but I said it all to kind of put things in perspective. As far as admissions and stats go (Oh, I forgot to mention though, I didn't take nearly as many APs - 3, and got two 4s and a 3, but my SAT II scores were higher 780, two 600s, and a 740 - all humanities, no sciences or anything) my projected chances of being admitted to schools in general were higher, considering race, scores, background, etc (though of course I don't know everything about your friend), and I still had a hard time. Plus admissions are supposed to be harder this year.</p>

<p>I also mentioned my friend just because she's one of only two people I know interested in WashU atm, and she's the most similar to your friend.</p>

<p>So, I regret to say it, both schools are really high caliber, and I'm fairly certain Stanford is a no-go, and almost just as certain WashU is as well. To list specific reasons, I'd say most likely the scores would hurt most. If her GPA is really high, I would think there might be a shot, perhaps, for waitlist, since by no means are her stats bad, it's just WashU and Standford are outrageous for admissions.</p>

<p>I also do have a friend who's graduating from WashU this year and looking to go to Hopkins I think, in case you, but well, he's admissions stats would be pretty irrelevant.</p>

<p>Anyway, I hope this helped. I wish her luck.</p>

<p>Sorry for the double post. : ]
I am still awake (gotta love Tufts... except not, since I'm transferring... yeah, I should obviously go to sleep) and it dawned on me, since I'm almost always thinking about several things totally unrelated to the thought processes for whatever I'm actually working on while I'm working that she probably (or perhaps) is thinking of WashU and Stanford, not WashU in St. Louis?</p>

<p>I am so used to the people I know referring to just St. Louis as WashU, esp. those interested in Stanford as well, but considering both are west and...
(I'll cut my tired rambling short)
Well anyway, am I right? If so, I think she has good chances for WashU. : ]</p>

<p>By the way guys...i found out her GPA is around 3.7~3.8. Please be honest....i don't mind if your harsh.</p>

<p>She has basically no chance for Stanford. There seems to be no reason for the admission officers to take her.</p>

<p>Washington U will be tough with a sub-2000 SAT and SAT IIs below 700, but possible (though highly unlikely) if her ECs are really good (they don't appear to be in your post) and she can demonstrate desire to attend Washington U.</p>

<p>I hope she has safeties.</p>

<p>WashU: REJECT
Stanford: REJECT</p>

<p>She is Asian; colleges expect high SAT 1 and 2 scores.
Hers are horribly low.</p>

<p>No good extracurricular activities.</p>

<p>If you want, I can make that dreaded sequence of five letters in italics, bold, colored, and extra large.</p>

<p>But of course, she should apply; if she doesn't, she has a 0% chance.</p>

<p>I agree wit Gaffe</p>

<p>If she comes from a wealthy family, make that obvious in the WashU application. They are NOT need-blind and total money-whores. Some of the rich kids from my high school who go there are complete retards.</p>

<p>Standardized test scores are way too low for those schools.</p>

<p>Reject to both, she needs some higher SAT's to even star tthinking about it.</p>

<p>well...I really want to thank you all for posting your honest opinions. This will definitely help my friend and give her more perspective. Any more comments are truly welcome.. ...btw...i found out she did early into WashU...i hope i don't make her cry...</p>