<p>I'm transferring from Santa Fe College to UF in Summer B of 2015. I'm a 19 year old non-traditional student doing school part time and working almost full time. I was awarded no financial aid and have been paying my way through school. I'm now completing my pre-professional classes. These are estimates for when I transfer.</p>
<p>I would be attending as a junior.
Major: Psychology
Specialization: general education or behavioral and cognitive neuroscience </p>
<p>AA degree cumulative-2.7 GPA
Pre-professional-3.52 GPA</p>
<p>I dual enrolled in high school and failed a few classes which brought my GPA way down. A couple of those classes have been made up since then. Ever since Fall 2012 I've been getting all A's and B's in my courses.</p>
<p>Work study at Santa Fe College for a semester
Psychology Club
200 volunteer hours at the Boys and Girls Club
Worked in Santa Fe Student Government 2014-2015
Volunteered at Uf Health Shands Hospital</p>
Santa Fe Biology Lab (lab assistant) from April 2011-May 2012
American Eagle (sales associate) from July 2012-March 2013
Cowgirl Kitchen (busser and hostess) from March 2013-current
Boys and Girls Club (supervisor) from January of 2014-current</p>
<p>I realize my stats are low but what I want UF to see the most is my improvement in my grades and difficulty in classes that I have taken.</p>
<p>Do note: I also have the requirements to get into sociology if psychology is not an option.</p>
<p>What do you think? Any advice is appreciated. Thank you.</p>
<p>Idyllicmind, your GPA (2.7) may be an issue. See the following link: </p>
<p>[Information</a> for Transfer Students](<a href=“http://www.psych.ufl.edu/~undergrad/transfer.htm]Information”>http://www.psych.ufl.edu/~undergrad/transfer.htm)</p>
<p>Contact the advising office via email (<a href=“mailto:psych-advising@ufl.edu”>psych-advising@ufl.edu</a>, phone (352-273-2115), or in-person (Room 135 in the Psychology Building) and talk with a psychology advisor. The above document does state that psychology is a limited-access major, which means that students must maintain at least a 2.8 GPA (vs. the state mandated standard of a 2.0 GPA for transferring to a state university).</p>
<p>By seeing the advisor in person, you can also explain your situation (which can only increase your chances).</p>
<p>Good Luck!</p>
<p>Thank you so much for your reply. I will discuss this issue with them.</p>
<p>I transferred to UF last summer from Santa Fe and I am also a Psychology major. Considering Psychology is a limited access major at UF, most students who are admitted have a 3.5+ GPA (overall and pre-prof.). However, you have time to improve your overall GPA by the time you are ready to transfer. Your pre-prof. GPA is great, it is just your overall that might be a problem for you. It never hurts to talk to an advisor though, but keep in mind they have limited time for their own students, so it can be difficult to get in touch with an advisor. Good luck to you!</p>
<p>Stupid question; By overall GPA do you mean my GPA that includes both my AA degree AND my pre-professional courses? Or just my AA degree?</p>