Chance me (NON Engineering)

I would like to minor in Aerospace but my major is going to be Pol Sci

SAT 1250 superscore, 630 Reading 620 Math

ACT 20 Reading 24 Math

No subject tests, couldn’t afford it

GPA 2.716

Notably jumped from a 2.26 GPA my sophomore year to a 3.75 my junior. Made sure to write my personal essay about it because I understand my cumulative GPA is terribly low.

From Delaware, African American

Currently taking multiple AP’s , online college courses, took multiple honors and dual enrollments last year

EC- Student body president. I didn’t get this position because I was popular or anything, I got here because, long story short, I took it very seriously and campaigned as if it was real.

Founded a leadership development club at my school, I work with my retired naval Captain who graduated from USNA to mentor younger students into becoming great leaders/presenters.

On a volunteer “youth philanthropy board” program in which top students across the county meet as a board, we are given $15,000, and we have to evaluate where and why to donate that money. Ironically, it feels like being in the admissions office because places are applying to US for thousands of dollars.

Business Professionals of America officer for three years, Philosophy club, participated in Cross Country

Notable achievements: I invited my congresswoman, Lisa Blunt Rochester of Delaware to my school. I personally wrote a letter to invite her, gave her a tour of my school, and an introductory speech in front of the ENTIRE school.

Nominated for a state wide charter school award

Accepted into USNA’s summer seminar

that’s a rough copy of my apps so far. I typed it in a hurry but that’s the meat and potatoes.

100% interested in joining the Corps of Cadets

@Nomak54 First… Holy cow your extra curriculars are off the charts impressive. Seriously, great job and obviously you are someone who knows what they want. Your GPA is so incredibly low and not sure you can rebound from that with those low test scores as well. Your SAT isn’t too bad, but still lower than average.

TAMU would be lucky to have you as a leader and in the corps. I just don’t know if they’ll feel you are ready for full admissions. Hopefully you’ll get an alternative pathway of Blinn Team or Gateway. I hope for the best and please keep us posted.

I agree with AggieMomHelp @Nomak54 You sound like an incredible leader and go get er and A&M would benefit with a student of your caliber and drive. It is a very competitive academic university and the one thing that may hold you back for a full admissions offer is your test score and GPA if they have to establish you a rank. That said, we don’t see your entire admissions file so there may be something in there they will see that makes you a good candidate.

The other thing is money. A&M is not generous with money to offset cost of admissions and you would also have to compete with instate applicants for competitive scholarships that would give you the tuition waiver. Have you thought out how you would pay for college yet out of state?

Thank you all for your advice.

My plan was to apply for scholarships but I quickly found that scholarships don’t like a 2.7 haha. Right now my only solid plan is to get accepted and apply for ROTC scholarships until I find a good way to pay. I come from a pretty large family, I don’t have anything saved up. My only considerable plan is to invest in stocks and pray I get lucky