Singer Scholarship? What are my chances?

<p>Class Rank 3% .. rank 3 out of 97</p>

<p>ACT 34 </p>

<p>What are the chances?</p>

<p>You may get an invite, but that is no guarantee you’ll get the scholarship. It’s all about your personality. Stats get you an invite, personality gets you the scholarship.</p>

<p>Ok … Thanks! I guess that’s good to hear if you are a personable person. I think I am as my mom always says (Im not bragging) people always comment to her what a great personality I have ( other parents) and how polite and personable I am … I was hoping just to get an interview and hope your personal presentation would count for something. </p>

<p>Nick, you have a good chance. Is your ACT superscored? If you could improve it to 35 it might help you standout. Did you take a rigorous course load with lots of APs? Personally I don’t know how much import is placed on the interview. D was a student interviewer for the Singer this past year and she says her evaluation form for the candidates was no different from the professors. I can’t believe a freshman undergrad’s opinion would have much weight in deciding who gets a full tuition scholarship.</p>

<p>By the way, she said was amazed at the quality of the applicants.</p>

<p>No … I only took ACT once … 34 was composite on that test. I am a rising senior … I finished my junior year with AP History, AP Spanish 4, AP Bio, AP Physics, Calc, Regular English. This coming year I will have AP Chem, AP Physics II, Regular English, AP Calc. </p>

<p>Hey!! I posted my stats on the other topic (I’ll be a freshman singer scholar in the fall) so take a look if you want. Your stats look pretty good, you will probably get an invite</p>

<p>My advice to you is:
-Apply EA
-Be sure to have some good ECs</p>

<p>Really don’t know how they narrow it down… Haha, but it looks like you could have a good chance!</p>
