Chance me please!

<p>GPA: 4.889
class rank 4/285</p>

<p>ACT 30</p>

<p>Student Gov president
Junior Class president
NHS officer
Honor council member</p>

<p>internships with:
orthopedic surgeon
ER physician</p>

<p>community service 300+</p>

<p>brother went to university</p>

<p>Are you looking for chances to be accepted, chances for scholarships? Did you take the SATs? Assume you are going to be a senior in HS this year? Have you taken and AP or IB or honors courses? Sounds like you’re looking for pre-med maybe?</p>

<p>yes i have taken the SAT’s its not as high as the ACT score. I have taken 8 AP classes and i was wondering for acceptance and or scholarships</p>

<p>I am a senior and i have 5 AP’s scheduled for this year</p>

<p>What were your SAT scores - all 3 parts - also, what did you get on your AP tests? Not prying, just trying to give you a realistic GUESS…</p>

<p>my sat’s were all in the mid to high 600’s, on my ap’s i got 2 5’s 3 4’s 2 3’s and 1 2</p>

<p>If you go on College *******, they have a chart for University of Miami showing their admissions stats.</p>

<p>Based on that chart, I think you will get in.</p>

<p>Agree - if you apply EA and demonstrate interest in the school I think getting accepted won’t be a problem - depending of course on the collective stats of the other of students that apply along with you. Scholarships are just a wild guess on anyone’s part, but based on what you’ve shared I would think you’d be looking at the 16k award at most. I have no inside info or experience with college admissions however, so my guess is just that, a guess. Good luck to you.