<p>Hi, since I just received my SAT scores (which I took for the first time this March) I thought I ought to see what you people would think of my chances for college because I don't really know or have as much knowledge as I would like to have towards the college enrollment and admission process. I don't really know how to start this so I guess I should just start listing and copying the other chance threads in this forum.
Thanks in advance!</p>
Junior in High School
Filipino (Not yet a Citizen though I can apply already; only a permanent resident right now)
Born in Philippines and moved here seventh grade
Middle Class Income from a Single Parent
I go to a 4A Public School in Texas only built 3 years ago and fairly competitive</p>
GPA: 3.37 (UW) 4.1 (W)
3.28 Freshman Year
3.35 Sophomore Year
will probably be 3.5 by the end of Junior Year
SAT: 1910 Overall. 660 in CR, 640 in Writing, 610 in Math
PSAT: 187
Class Rank: Only in the Top 50% (Though I have gone up every year)</p>
<p>AP/PAP Classes (I didn't really take any freshman year and few my Sophomore year; Junior year has been my most challenging/rigorous year so far and even more Senior year)
Sophomore Year:
World History AP (3)
English II PAP
Junior Year:
English III AP
AP US History
Psychology AP
Pre-Calculus PAP (Only second semester)
Planned for Senior Year:
AP Gov
AP Economics
English IV AP
AP Calculus AB
AP Environmental Science</p>
<p>Extracurriculars: (I don't really have much either; I slacked off and didn't care much during Freshman year and only tried little sophomore year)
Freshman Basketball
Newspaper (Junior and Senior Year)
Film Club</p>
I received a most improved student award in my school last year (if that matters)
I also recently placed in a district UIL Journalism meet and will advance to regionals as well as receiving an honorable mention in a Scholastic Writing Awards Competition
(If any of those even matter)</p>
<p>I plan on double majoring in Journalism or something along those lines (Communications, Writing, Journalism not yet completely sure) and Political Science</p>
<p>The Colleges I plan on applying to are:
The New School (Eugene Lang College)
Emerson College</p>
<p>I know it's highly unlikely I'll make it to NYU, however I still plan on applying if only to say I gave it a shot. It's my dream and I don't want to tell myself that I didn't even give it a shot. Of course, I regret not taking school or my future more seriously my first two years, however what can I do now?</p>
If you have any other colleges that you can suggest that may fit me please do say it! There is absolutely no way I will stay in Texas for College and I really want to go to the East Coast (New York).</p>