Chance me please!

<p>GPA: 3.8 W, 3.68 U
I am taking 3 APs and then rest honors
My ACT is a 25 (mostly due to being terrible at taking standardized test and being dyslexic)
NHS member
Varsity swim team 4 years and captain
Varsity Lacrosse 3 years
Harvard Model Congress
Mock Trial </p>

<p>Member of community service clubs:
More Than me (the founder just was put as Times Person of the Year)
Sounds for Soul (affiliated with More Than me)
Project Giggles-- VP</p>

Full time job in the summer as a Beach Lifeguard in NJ</p>

<p>Hopefully you have discussed your academic learning strengths and weakness with your HS guidance counselor and have feedback on the types of learning situations best for you. I presume something about your dyslexia and test taking was mentioned by your GC in your application materials. Assuming you get into UW be sure to check with the UW disabilities center to find out how you can maximize your learning. </p>

<p>Will you get in? If the testing results are due to disability I would give you the same maybe/maybe not chance as the many others with your other stats.</p>

<p>Hi! I applied early action this year for fall 2015 admission! I had a 3.8 GPA and a 1960 SAT AND 29 ACT, 5 AP classes, 4 year varsity athlete, 4 year debate club, volunteer, and Brown Model UN! I was deferred to regular admission! I can’t give you a yes or no but I was just making you aware that I was deferred!</p>

<p>@indianbeach201‌ Wow, and it looks like you’re a fit all around. A defer and not a postpone, is that right? Did they ask you for your interims? Did you proactively send them in with the application or close after? Are you OOS?</p>

<p>There is no ‘defer’, only admit, deny or postpone.</p>

<p>I am out of state, but my high school is one of the top schools in my state. Also, people from my school have gone to UW-Madison before. AND SORRY I MEANT POSTPONE***</p>

<p>Also, rolling admissions- no early action. </p>

<p>Just saying, but as it’s been discussed many times before on here - schools don’t care about if your schools “top” or not</p>