Do I even have a shot??

<p>I keep reading through who got accepted and postponed early action and it's starting to freak me out. I don't see very much consistency in the decisions! Does anyone have any perspective on if I am a good candidate?? Anything input would be much appreciated :)</p>

SAT I: 2200 (CR 720 M 770 W 710)
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.97
Weighted GPA: 4.08
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): School doesn't rank
Senior Year Course Load: English, AP Calculus, Biotech, Econ, AP European History</p>

Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): I play waterpolo and am on swim team. Every spring break I go to Tijuana to build houses with my local church (I am leading a team this year) I am in the Honors Society and have been certified as a Scholar Athlete. I did an intense in-depth and super competitive leadership program summer 2012 and got a letter of rec from one of my advisers.</p>

<p>Job/Work Experience: lifeguard, junior-counselor at competitive summer camp
Essays: Great!
Teacher Recommendation: Great
Counselor Rec: Great
Additional Rec: Great
Interview: N/A
State: California
School Type: Independent
Ethnicity: Asian/White
Gender: Female
Income bracket: 100,000</p>

<p>UW parent here who has watched the last several admission cycles at UW. With your unweighted GPA and SAT scores, you sound like a solid out of state admission. You have solid ECs as well, so as long as your essays are not crazy, you should be in good shape. </p>

<p>As difficult as it is, there is not much else to do but wait. UW does admissions on a rolling basis, but not that does not mean first-in first out. You will get an answer by the stated date. From what I have seen – and this is just my impression – the strong stats kids, both in and out of state – tend to be admitted earlier in the cycle. Then the middle group gets assessed, with a lot of postponements. </p>

<p>Good luck, and hang in there.</p>

<p>I’d be shocked if you’re not admitted. Good luck, I hope you hear in the affirmative tonight!</p>

<p>Ditto- should get in unless your essays or recommendations show problems.</p>

<p>UW does NOT have early action. Rolling admissions where they now offer an answer by an earlier date for those who got their complete application in by an early date. That answer can be yes, no, postponed. There is still more than a week for students to apply and receive equal consideration. Some students will get a quick answer if they are obvious admits or rejects. Most have to wait and see how they compare to the thousands with similar stats.</p>