Chance me please!!!

I am applying to UW Madison in September. I am planning on getting a history major at UW Madison. My cumulative GPA is a 3.82 and in the top 10%. I took one AP course, AP Psychology, I received an A for both semesters. I am also taking 3 my senior year which is AP Calculus, Literature, and Biology. I am in Student Council and NHS Vice President. I am in Cross Country and Track and captains for both. Unfortunately, my ACT scores are not great. I received a 20 my first time and a 21 my second time. I understand that my ACT is below average, but I do very well in challenging classes. Please chance me! BTW my school is very small, so I took every opportunity possible

I have never heard of any students with a 21 ACT being admitted to UW-Madison. I thought even recruited athletes needed a 22 ACT. I could be wrong. Have you tried the SAT?

I did not. But I will probably take it now that you mention it. My cousin got waitlisted and got in with a 20. She is in the same boat I am. She got admitted last year. I will still take the ACT again in September, I have a 22 super score. I know madison dosent do super score, but both tests I was strong in one subject but nothing the other.

Well, good to know your cousin got in with a 20 ACT. You are both Wisconsin residents? Best of luck to you!

Yes, both residences. There is this pdf file released by the uw councilors and I’m curious if it is accurate. It says with my stats I have roughly a 40-55 percent chance. I doubt this is right, just want to clarify.

If that’s what they say then they are a better source than we are. Less than 50-50 seems right to me.

ok thank you for your help!!

How old is that pdf data? From 2010?

Oh shoot XD 07 to 08. Would just under 50-50 seem right?

UW-Madison doesn’t update that PDF anymore and you may not want to base your idea of your chance of admission on that document.

Yea, now that I know the year is inaccurate, I wont. If you could give me a rough percentage to get accepted with these stats, what would it be?

I really have no idea. Until you said your cousin got in with a similarly low ACT, I’d have said almost no chance.

Ok thanks!

Ok, I just got done talking to my cousin. She said that the ACT is the least important and least looked at. She said she got waitlisted because the ACT and GPA dosent match and that UW would check her grades at semester with her AP courses. She got in because her ACT dosent match with her grades and class vigor which is what UW really looks at. That’s what she said anyway.

ACT is the least important in admission decision?

I have never heard that ACT is the LEAST important factor in determining admissions. Unweighted GPA is usually most important, followed by ACT, the essay and then other factors. It’s very hard to believe that someone with a decent unweighted GPA but an extremely low ACT would be admitted or even wait listed because there are hundreds, if not thousands of students with 3.9s or 4.0s and much higher ACT scores that are denied. Are you and your cousin URMs perhaps?

Madison usually believes GPA/class rank is most important, followed by scores, followed by rigor, extra currics, etc. My sister had a 3.8 and a 26, NHS 2 years, key club 2 years, 4 AP classes, postponed then accepted. What got her postponed was her lack of extracurrics, medium-low rigor, and low ACT. On the flip side, I had a 30 ACT, lots of extracurrics/volunteer, 9 AP classes, but with a GPA of 3.47, postponed then accepted. Things tend to balance out. DEFINITELY retake your ACT–even if you have to apply for the second round of admissions so you can take the november/december exams. Also make sure you rock your essays. Madison is weird with it’s admissions, and sometimes it’s hard to predict. Good luck!!

Thanks for providing examples! I will definitely crank out the ACT this summer!!