<p>As a junior as a competitive, public New England high school, I was wondering how my chances may be for Tufts, I may be playing field hockey there as well:</p>
<p>Rank: 18/460
SAT's: June of this year
SAT II: US His: not as good as hoped, most likely around 700
Honors w/ Distinction all Marking Quarters, each year</p>
<p>Senior Schedule:
AP English, AP World History, AP Gov, Chem (honors), Trig (honors), Concert Choir, French IV</p>
<p>EC"s (just a few)
National Honor Society
English Honor Society
French Honor Society
Math Honor Society
Model UN President & Chair (junior & senior year)
-Several Best Delegate Awards @ college conferences
-Several Outstanding Delegate Awards
Student Council
Student Voice - Vice President; began school-wide recycling program
SADD, Peer Outreach
Five Theater Performances
Varsity Field Hockey, three years
-State Semifinalists
-Olympic Skills Delvopment Program</p>
-Outstanding New England Teen - next step magazine
-Inducted in the Young Woman's Hall of Fame by the regional YWCA
-Model UN Awards</p>
<p>-I will be applying to the school for International Relations in fall of 2008, any suggestions on how to improve my chances would be great!</p>