Chance me please? :)

<p>Ethnicity - Chinese
Gender - Female</p>

<p>School - Your average, fairly unremarkable public school. About 1000 students. In Idaho, though, might be an advantage?</p>

<p>GPA Weighted 4.5
Class rank: 1/234
Course load: Most rigorous - at our school, at least</p>

<p>ACT: 35 Writing: 8 (bleh, i know)</p>

<p>SAT I:
Math - 710
Critical Reading - 780
Writing - 650 got a 6 on the essay (i hate timed essays)</p>

<p>SAT II:
Math II - 660
Biology M -740
Literature - 740</p>

<p>AP Tests:
US History - 4
World History - 4
English Language - 4
Biology - 5
Chemistry - 3 <---I blame this on the teacher :/</p>

<p>This year I'm taking:
Physics B
Calculus AB
English Literature</p>

<p>Essays: Pretty decent at least, might even be quite good, but not amazing</p>

Counselor: Likes me, but doesn't know me that well...didn't see the letter
Teacher 1: Math teacher for 2 years, should be good - didn't see the letter
Teacher 2: English teacher, good but not excellent</p>

<p>Extracurriculars: My ECs aren't that great, probably gonna be my weakness
-No school sports, though I do play sports outside of school for fun (DDR should count as a sport!)
-Clubs: NHS, Foreign Language, Interact, Chess(I've won several chess awards, but again, nothing extraordinary), no leadership positions though.
-Yearbook 3 years, Co-Editor and Editor-in-Chief
-Yearbook and journalism camps
-I've been playing the cello for 7 years, private lessons, school and city orchestra on-and-off through the years.</p>

<p>Community Service:
-Helped out with the community Chinese Association with events for a few years
-Volunteer at the local hospital (very few hours though)
-NHS service hours (40)
-Taught bible study at church to little kids for 2 years</p>

<p>Work Experience:
-JCPenney's sales associate, 3 months
-Summer internship at the local newspaper, wrote and published some articles for them</p>

<p>Other stuff:
-National Merit Semifinalist
-HOBY (Hugh O'brien Youth Leadership) alumni
-Did a 40 hour-research program at the local college</p>


<p>Stanford EA - Rejected</p>

<p>UPenn - Wharton or Arts and Sciences, still deciding
Chicago - probably my first choice now
Johns Hopkins
Southern California

<p>So what do you reckon my chances are?</p>

<p>UPenn - Wharton–Reach<br>
UPenn - Arts and Sciences–Slight Reach
Chicago - Depends upon the essay–anywhere from Match to Reach (right now, I’d say slight reach)
Johns Hopkins–Match to Slight Reach (closer to Match)
Southern California–Match
Virginia–Match (safe match if you lived in Virginia)</p>

<p>P.S. Your biggest problem isn’t a lack of sports, it’ a lack of academic competitions (math, science, debate, etc.), which is almost a requirement for Duke, Penn-Wharton, and Chicago.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>Thanks! That’s helpful to know.
I know I don’t have enough of the academic stuff, but my school just does not offer academic decathlons or quiz bowls or anything. I suppose I should have joined the debate team…oh well.</p>

<p>Anyone else?</p>