Chance Me por favor!!!! :)

<p>Little Bio excerpt-
Mother is Mexican and she raised me.
Father is Irish- havent seen him
Counselor wrote about a page on her rec. for me about my yearly to bi-yearly trips to Mexico. it showed how strongly rooted to my family I am and the stuff I do there....
live on LI</p>

3.91 Weighted
3.78 UnW
9 AP's (AB Calc-5, Euro-3, USH-3, ENGL LANG-3, Chem-3......this year taking BC calc, ENGL LIT, AP GOV, AP Econ)
10 honors
1 time taker:
M: 750
R: 720
W: 640
Essay: 10
2400: 2110

<p>SAT 2:
Bio M: 700 (freshman year)
Chem: 700 (sophomore year)
Math 2: 740 (junior year)</p>

-national hispanic scholar
-Ap Scholar with honor
-Mathematic school champ for some national test (LOL forgot the actual name right now >.<)
-National honors Society</p>

Youth Leadership Forum (each year of high school, 35 hrs a year)
Stock market club (team finished 18th nationally in fall)
volunteer at local senior center
volunteer at local library</p>

Carnegie Mellon 6 week summer program for architecture.
5-time Johns hopkins Center For Talented Youth participant (from elementary school to high school, 3 week summer programs....very selective)</p>

<p>Chance me for:
Boston U
George Wash U</p>

<p>Thanks a lot.</p>

<p>u're in at all those.....</p>

<p>UPenn - Reach for everyone...but not so much for you
Cornell - Ditto
NYU - Match
Northeastern- Safety
Boston U - Safety
George Wash U - Match</p>

<p>thanks to bigweight and schmoomcgoo</p>

<p>Just an FYI
I have gotten into SUNY geneseo and SUNY Stony Brook.</p>

<p>Dont know how they (specifically Geneseo) match up with NYU, GWU, Bu or NEU, but Im very happy. 17k for a very solid education? A+ in my book</p>



<p>Penn is a reach for you, mainly because of your SATs. However, based on everything else you have a much better chance than most. Cornell is maybe a low reach, and the rest are practically safeties, even NYU (your SATs, GPA, and course rigor are all above average. Even without the URM and single-parent "boosts" it'd be a low match).</p>

<p>Ahhhhhhh!!! Im still waiting on all of those schools.
The anxiety hurts.</p>

<p>Wow, your stats are impressive. I know how it feels to be anxious, not a lot to go though!</p>

<p>Thanks, and anxiety blowwwwwssss.
At least I get to kill some time in volleyball so I dont think about it that much.
But boy I cant wait for my Birthday (march 31st) the day all ivy leagues send out admissions.</p>