Chance me RD at UW-Madison (OOS)

  • Applied as Political Science major -26 ACT -4.0 unweighted GPA (only 1 B in all my years of high school) -2 APs, Canadian school didn't offer them so I am currently taking APUSH and AP Gov senior year at my new school
  • Multiple course awards
  • Club and school varsity soccer (club captain)
  • Track (relay captain)
  • Seasonal employment and babysitting
  • Student council -Double legacy

I lived in Canada from grades 7-11 and moved to Ohio senior year, so if I hadn’t moved I would’ve had a higher GPA and class rank which my counsellor wrote in my Common App. I realize my stats are low for OOS, but my situation is not very traditional since I moved from Canada to the U.S my senior year. My “Why I Want to be a Future Badger” essay was strong and I expressed how Madison is my dream school for as long as I could remember.

(I was accepted to Minnesota if that has any correlation)

While I’m sure you would succeed at UW, your test score is likely honestly too low for them to consider. There is just too much demand for this school for them to consider. That’s my best guess. Hope I’m wrong!

Your test scores should be independent of where you were and agree it is low. Don’t know how you could have a higher unweighted gpa- unlees you are referring to your semester in Ohio.

Unweighted gpa used by UW. Historically U of M and UW do not seem to correlate with admission decisions- meaning accepted/denied at one does not mean the same at the other.