UW-Madison Chances

Just wondering what my chances of acceptance would be, as my school only provides weighted gpa so online statistics have been conviluting. Gpa: 3.98 weighted, Sat: 1320, act: 29 over 150 hours community service. Speech and debate team member, leadership council member, table tennis club officer, Model UN member, Newspaper member, key club member. All advanced classes, Ap mainly with Ib certificate. Any opinions would help I am an Hispanic male applying from Texas.

Take my opinion with a grain of salt, but I don’t see any reason why you shouldn’t get in. The only thing I can think of is I think they’re more likely to let someone in who’s in state? I’m not sure though. But I think you’re completely fine. At most you could be waitlisted.

I’m sad to say, I think it’s unlikely you’ll get in. I recommend you look at a UW Madison thread that has admissions results. There are so many out of state students with extremely high stats who are being rejected or wait listed. It’s worth a shot to apply but you’ll definitely want some safety options. Best of luck!

Thanks for the chances do you know how likely it is to be accepted off of waitlist for Uw

Parent of OOS UW recent grad – below a 30 for an OOS student makes admissions unlikely. Not impossible, but very unlikely. If you look at the decision thread here over the past few years, OOS students almost always have above a 30, and often in the 32-34 range.

Minnesota, for a non-STEM student, can be slightly easier admissions than Wisconsin, as is Iowa. Iowa actually has an online admissions calculator, it requires gpa, test score, class rank and info about rigor of curriculum. Kansas would be an easier admissions as well.

You can convert your weighted gpa to unweighted easily. Do so. With many AP classes and other classes getting extra points your gpa may be significantly lower. Retired to Florida where vals and sals routinely have weighted gpa’s in the 7.–'s and the local U wants to achieve a minimum gpa of 4.0 for its accepted students. Huge difference from Wisconsin schools where a 4.0 unweighted is the maximum gpa.

Being Hispanic could mean getting in for you and it looks like you are taking a rigorous curriculum to be prepared for UW. This assumes getting B’s or better routinely, with more A’s than B’s.

I’m a bit surprised at the people saying it’s unlikely that you’ll be admitted. I was waitlisted and then admitted to UW-Madison with something like a 3.75 unweighted GPA, a 29 on the ACT and never took the SAT, and 3 or 4 AP classes (granted this is most of what was offered at my school). I had almost no extracurriculars and none with leadership positions, barely any volunteering — seriously I think my extracurriculars consisted of attending the Math Club one time (although I didn’t mention that it was only once). And I had no work experience.

And I still got in!

Granted I was in-state, and this was almost 10 years ago so perhaps things have changed. But I’m not sure it’s as hard to get in as some people on here make it sound.

The OP needs to report the unweighted gpa for us to comment on chances based on gpa (see above post). AP test scores should not all be 3’s or merely “passing”. Biggest hook is being Hispanic.

Instate and 10 years ago vs. out of state now is comparing apples to oranges. An out of state student with below a 29 is big reach.

UW GPA is 3.80 for this school. Can you sharpen your ACT to 31 or 32? When we do not have info of applicant, we can only based on high level educated guess. Can’t compare to exception like “someone gets in with 3.50”.
I would stick with ACT 31 and UW 3.80 GPA in order to treat Wisconsin as Target school

re above post “UW GPA…for this school”. Huh? Unweighted gpa is not school dependent- how can an outsider predict it without knowing all of the OP’s info?

Nearly 43K apps for this Fall. https://chancellor.wisc.edu/blog/busting-myths-about-uw-madison/