Chance me Regular Decision

From Minnesota
UW GPA: 3.3
ACT: 25
I’ve taken 5 AP courses
I have written very good essays. Reviewed Professionally.
Good Letter of Recommendation
My brother also goes there and is graduating this year
Internship at an IT consulting firm
Volunteer at a local hospital
Member of Hindu Society Club
Frequent Volunteer at 2 homeless shelters
Created a Research Paper that was displayed at Mall of America and Rosedale Mall
Played Piano my whole life
Played Basketball for High school, AAU, and recreationally
I’ve had 2 different jobs during high school
Math and Reading tutor for 2 years for students from all ages up to 18
A frequent volunteer at Feed my Starving Children

Ouch- grades and test scores. AP exam scores mean something- 4’s and 5’s I would hope. Siblings can vary vastly in academic talent. EC’s do not trump academic credentials. You need to be able to do the UW work- not sure your credentials show that.

Are you saying no shot at this school?

Minnesota is ever more competitive. May depend on what school/district you’re coming from but I know people from MN with considerably higher stats that were not admitted the past couple years. Good luck!

I agree that I would not view Wis as a safety school and might not be shocked if you didnt get in.

I know kids with significantly higher GPAs, scores and EC’s who got denied or deferred.

It would be tough for someone instate to get in with those stats, so it’ll be difficult, but not impossible.