
I am a high school senior with an unweighted gpa of 3.32 and an ACT score of 29. I have many volunteer hours and am apart of a club associated with my school. I play basketball and my brother is currently a senior at UW Madison. I am a Minnesota resident.
Please let me know what your guys’ thoughts are.

Your GPA, unfortunately is in the bottom 5% and your ACT, while overall rather respectable, is in the bottom 1/3 for UW-M. Plus you’re OOS. The good news is that the university gives you points if that GPA was earned in rigorous classes (your post didn’t say). Are you by chance recruitable for basketball? Depending on your major (as long as it is not highly competitive ones like CS or engineering) I’d say you can put it in the low reach category. UW-M ranks the essay as “very important”, so be sure to get tips from your brother on how to show you’re a good fit. Take your chances here, but also apply to at least 3-5 match and likely schools too.

Your stats are not great. If your junior year gpa was stellar and much improved over your first two years that is a positive. You should be able to do well in honors/AP classes to be competitive. Your sibling’s success has nothing to do with yours- you are two entirely different people.

I think he was referencing possible legacy status re brother. Not sure siblings count. But they might