Chance me UC/CSU

@Gumbymom Do you have any idea whether or not CSUs factor gender into account for admissions. For example, if I had the same GPA as a girl who also applied for Nursing, would they favor me over her to maintain balance with boys to girls? Just curious.

Gender is not considered along with race/ethnicity.

@Gumbymom @uclahopefull Assuming I got a B- in a semester of Honors Chem and their websites (CSUF and SDSU) say Bs and above in science courses, does this mean I’m disqualified?

@Nurse2017 I would assume that they would cut you some slack considering that it is an honors course. However, there are many students who received As in both Chem and Bio, and admission is so competitive considering the low number of available seats. It looks like it could be a toss up from here. Keep us updated.

Agree with @uclahopfull ^^^. A B- is still a B and in a Honors course. It will depend upon your competition.

@uclahopefull @Gumbymom Oh whew… I have As in my other science classes. Praying for SDSU at this rate lol.

@Nurse2017 have you gotten into fullerton yet?

@liquidsugar No I have not. My UC GPA is now 4.10… so, I hope look at my mid year transcript soon to make a decision. Kind of panicking cause I want to stay in California.

@liquidsugar Well dang. I forgot to send my act scores to fullerton. I’m screwed for that school now :frowning: