Chance me UC/CSU

Nursing Major

UC: 4.04
ACT 27
Eligibity Index is 4532(ACT to SAT convert)

CSU Fullerton

UC GPA on target, but ACT is very low. Nursing is competitive.

SDSU - Match/Safety
UCLA - High reach (mostly because of ACT)
UCI - Match
CSUF - Match/Safety

I think you’ll get into UCI, SDSU, and CSUF no problem. UCLA may be tough. What is your uncapped UC GPA and what is your course rigor like? ECs/awards also matter for UCs.

UCLA - High Reach: Avg. GPA: 4.2+ // ACT: 32+
UCI - Reach: Avg. GPA: 4.2+ // ACT: 29+
SDSU - High Match: Avg. GPA: 4.04 // ACT: 29
CSUF - Match: Avg. GPA: 4 // ACT: 27+

Many of these schools’ nursing programs are projected to have acceptance rates of less than 10 percent. UCLA and UCI will be tough admits. You definitely have the scores, but most weight will be placed on your supplements.

@uclahopefull I don’t think UCI’s avg. GPA is 4.2; where’d you find that? I believe it’s around 4.0 - 4.05

Actually it’s 4.25:

Scroll down to the admitted student profile.

@uclahopefull dang I didnt know that! I was going by the overall campus stats, my bad. I believe the average GPA for Irvine overall is around 4.04? is that 4.25 capped or uncapped? also, how come the GPA is so high but the SAT score is so low (<2000)?

The GPA is capped, but UCI is very forgiving with test scores because they know that four years of grades show more about a person than four hours of testing.

How much weight is placed on the supplements do you think? Lol those admit rates look scary…

I took 7 AP/Honor classes in HS(Not offered until Soph yr).

Took Honors Chem, AP Bio, APUSH, Honors Anatomy, AP Environmental, AP Stats

CSU Fullerton: Match
SDSU: High Match (ACT on low side even with high EI)
UCI; Low Reach
UCLA: Reach

All the Nursing programs listed have around 5% acceptance rates or less. I would also apply to a couple 2+2 Cal state programs along with maybe University of San Francisco and Azusa Pacific (both are direct admit).

High Match means 50/50 right?
Then Reach is like slim chance but possible?

High Match: 50/50
Reach is a slim chance.

SDSU changed their Nursing program this year to only Direct admit for Freshman so it may be more competitive than previous years.

UCLA/UCI have around a 4% acceptance rate for their Nursing programs. Your GPA is competitive, but test scores could be higher.

Did you apply to any other schools since Nursing is very competitive? Applying to around 8-10 schools is the best approach.

Yes I applied to out of state schools, but they are immensely more expensive. Rather get my BSN in California.

University of Portland(accepted with 96k scholarship), ASU(accepted 12k). Waiting on TCU and Gonzaga for early action.

That is great news so you do have some good choices so far. I agree that if you can stay in California, much better financially. Fullerton looks like a solid Match.

Good Luck.

Thank you! I’ll keep you updated :slight_smile:

I just got in. Check your portal

To CSU Fullerton

No decision. Was it for Nursing?

Yes it was. @Nurse2017

Awesome! I might get mine later this week or so

@uclahopefull mine says no decision too. were we supposed to send our transcripts?