Chance me ( UC Irvine/Davis/Santa Barbara)

I am planning applying to Computer science @ UC Irvine/Davis/Santa Barbara, what are my chances? I think UCSD, Berkley, LA are out of reach, what do you guys think?

  • SAT: 1450 ( Math 790, EBRW: 760)
  • Straight As

AP Physics: Mech
AP: Calc AB
AP: Stats
AP: Computer science
AP: Psychology
AP: Spanish
AP: Chem
AP: Env Science
AP: Bio


UCSB/UCD and UCI use the Capped Weighted UC GPA. UCLA/UCB use both Capped Weighted and Fully Weighted.

EC’s? Any related to CS?

UC GPA=4.0(All As)
EC= VP of comp sci club, VP of Science Olympiad, 100+ hr of volunteer work, medal winner in Sc Olympiad, internship at UC super computer center( image processing)

You look like a competitive applicant fir the UC’s listed. Best of luck

I want to pursue Computer Science, since it is highly impacted, is it worthwhile to choose adjacent major like Electrical engineering so that I have better chance for admission?
Does major selection play important role within engineering school admission?

With a 4.0, your GPA is a little light for the mid-tier UCs. I’d apply - but also apply to UCR, UCSC - both of which have excellent CS programs. SDSU, CPP and, perhaps CP SLO are also worth a shot.