ACT: 31 GPA: UW 3.94 W 4.25 UC 4.2 Sat Subject: Math II - 680
Chem - 670 
6 APs (All 4s one 3) BC Calculus, Physics, Chem, Comp Sci, APUSH, Comparative
Top 10% of class/Top 20 High School Chicago OOS (Illinois) Male, Mixed Race (Asian/White)
ECs -NHS (11-12)
-FHNS (10-12)
-Computer Science Club (9-12; exec board 11, pres 12)
-Student Council(9)
-Soccer (9-10)
-Golf (12)
-Active in Religious Society at School (led three retreats)
-400+ Community Service Hours (Religious Ed Aide/ Church)
-Spent Two weeks during summer before junior year at an engineering camp at UCB (needed to be nominated)
-Spent three weeks last summer in Peru for service
-Spent 2 weeks last summer at engineering internship near me
-Caddy for three years
-Soccer Referee (9-12) worked every weekend
Essays: - All my essays were proofread by former MIT admissions officer, he loved them. - I personally think they are 9/10.
LOR: - I think their good, picked my two fav teachers.
There is a cap on OOS students, so it may be a challenge for you to get into some schools, given your stats and non residency. Your scores have to be higher than the instate students.
Make sure you have calculated your UC GPA.
You are aware that there is no funding for non-residents at the publics?
The CSUs will run about $40k. The UCs will run over $60k.
Your chances are probably better at USC.
You have selected to apply to probably one of the most competitive majors at all these schools.
Your GPA is solid and your ACT score is within range, but for these schools you really need to above the averages for a good shot.
Consider UCLA/USC and probably UCSD a Low Reach to Reach.
UCSB is possible and so is Cal Poly SLO (OOS money helps your chances).
As stated above, the UC’s have capped the # of OOS applicants and you will be full pay at all schools.
Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 4.20 or above:
UCB: 42%
UCLA: 54%
UCSD: 87%
UCSB: 85%
UCD: 91%
UCI: 94%
UCSC: 95%
UCR/UCM: 98%
25th - 75th percentiles for ACT:
UCB: 30-34
UCLA: 30-34
UCSD: 29-34
UCSB: 28-33
UCD: 26-32
UCI: 26-32
UCSC: 26-31
UCR: 23-30
UCM: 20-27
SLO Freshman Engineering Profile: Average CP GPA: 4.16 Average ACT: 32
Just remember that the acceptance rate for CS for these schools is around 10% and below.
Best of luck.
Wait so for all the schools I listed, only 10% of applicants get in for CS??
I think im fine tuition-wise I just really want to get in…
SLO’s acceptance rate for CS hovers around 7-8%.
UCLA’s overall admit rate for Engineering (not CS specific) was 13% last year so you can expect CS to be lower than the overall rate.
UCSD’s overall admit rate for Engineering (not CS specific) was 14% last year, again expect CS to be lower.
UCSB’s admit rate is slightly higher but they also have a much smaller Engineering department than the rest of the UC’s.
Overall just expect CS to be very competitive.
What are my chances to these schools for Letters and Science Undeclared
While I can’t speak directly for the UC’s and USC, as a current Computer Science major at Cal Poly I would say your chances are fairly good, despite being quite a hard program to get accepted into. Unless it has changed, Cal Poly also super-scores for the SAT and ACT which can only help your chances of acceptance. I believe UCSD and UCSB have fairly similar acceptances within Computer Science to Cal Poly if only possibly slightly more competitive. (However, I know of many people accepted to Cal Poly who weren’t accepted to UCSD or UCSB and vice versa, so it can never be known for sure). UCLA and USC will be more competitive, but this will also come down to the quality of your personal statements. If you have any specific questions you can send me a message, I’m happy to help! Best of luck!
I wish I knew they super score. It would be a 32 then 
You did not send all your ACT scores?