Chance Me / UW-Madison Class of 2022

Cumulative GPA: 3.2 UW (My school doesn’t weight AP or Honors classes)
ACT: 31
-Academic Decathlon Team Captain (11-12)
-German Club President (11-12) + Trip to Germany (10)
-School Musicals (9-12) + Student Director (12)
-Forensics Captain (9-12, captain 11-12)
-Computer Science Armada (1, was disbanded after that year)
-GSA (1, also disbanded after that year)
-Principal Clarinetist/Tenor Saxophone (11-12)
Explanation For Low GPA:
Started high school with approximately 3.9 but sophomore year, parents lost out house and got divorced soon after and pulled a 2.0. Has steadily increased since then. Finishing junior year with a 3.75. Also trying to cope with untreated anxiety and depression which isn’t an excuse rather a considerable anecdote.
AP Calc AB/BC, Chemistry, German, English Language, US Government
Honors Physics and Pre-Calc

*3.62 UW GPA. Sorry, I am a dingus.

State Academic Decathlon 10-12
State S/E 9-12
State Forensics 9-12
State One Act Play 9, 11, 12
Tommy Award for Pit Orchestra 11

Having many activities is not as important as how well you do academically. Apply and see if you are accepted- no guarantees.

You’re good. Keep it up and enjoy some time off. Geez you’ve got a full plate.

I’d say you look good. If I remember correctly, there’s usually a small section on the application for you write any additional information that the university might want to know - you could consider writing a short explanation for your dip in grades and emphasizing how you’ve been able to rebound from that successfully.

You’ll be accepted. UW Madison isn’t exactly West Point.


Asking opinions does not mean anything. Worth applying, NEVER a guarantee.

I would genuinely be surprised if you weren’t accepted. Apply early btw