Chance me UW Madison Electrirical Engineering?

<p>I am in my senior year and am trying to figure out my chances of getting into my state collefe. I have been feeling down throughout the summer because of it.
G.P.A: 3.67 W Didn't do the best junior year, but in tri 3 i got 4 A's, 1 A-, and 1 B
Class Rank: Top 11%
Class course load: By graduation I will have taken 9 AP and honors courses.
Test Score: ACT score of 26 composite Its bad, I know)
English: 28
Math: 27
Reading: 23
Science: 25
Extracurricular activities:
-Orchestra(Freshmen and sophomore year)
-Tennis(sophomore year)
- outside of school, I like to play in Magic the gathering tournaments and sometimes I get to the top 4.
- Also,while this may not be an official activity, I like to debate about everything with my friends, in person and online. (Stuff like Manga, Anime, Politics, the Economy, the ethics of science, pretty much anything and everything).
Volunteer Work:
I have done service for Feed My Starving Children. Only 16 hours.
Work Experience:
I have worked at burger king all of Junior year, so 7 or 6 months. I am currently looking for a job.</p>

<p>A little Bio:
I am a African American male who lives in Minnesota. I attend an average school. I live in a single parent household in a family of 4(Me, brother, mom, and grandmother.) We do not get child support from our father. I do qualify for Free lunch at school. My brother has ADHD. I also might have it(although I am not sure of the symptoms) because lately I have a had a hard time concentrating on my school work. I had another brother who died of leukemia when I was around 5 or 6.(Recently, my moms bank account was emptied by the credit card company because she used that card a decade ago to pay for my brother who died's treatment)</p>

<p>P.S. I also have a question. Lets say that I get rejected for my major. Does this mean that I am rejected from the University of Wisconsin as a whole or is their a chance I can get accepted somewhere else?</p>

<p>I can’t help you much about your chances of acceptance, but I can answer your other question. When you apply to Wisconsin, you apply to the university as a whole, not for a specific school or major. If you’re accepted, you’re accepted to the university, and if you’re rejected, you’re rejected from the university.</p>

<p>Best of luck!</p>

<p>Can anyone help please?</p>

<p>Parent here – I know how amazing UW is so I understand the draw, but why UW when you have MN Twin Cities available? I am not sure how much more expensive UW is for MN than instate at Twin Cities is, but there is probably some gap. Your better bet for financial aid is likely to be in-state at MN than at UW. Again, as we are OOS and not MN, I am not familiar with the financial aid policies at UW for MN students, but I suspect it is less generous than in-state WI students, even with the admissions reciprocity. As for admission, while you have a compelling story, the stats are on the lower side for UW admission. We do know kids who were rejected outright with similar stats, though many others will say they know kids admitted with similar stats. </p>

<p>Students are admitted to the University as a whole, and then apply to the specific college, such as engineering, during the spring (typically) of their freshman year. So, specifying engineering is just informational for the university, and, for admitted students, would match them with summer class registration advising for their intended college. </p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>The acceptance notice is from the university, but you do need to apply to engineering on the form. You will be EGR student if accepted. You would choose your major (degree granting program) later on.
[Undergraduate</a> - College of Engineering @ University of Wisconsin Madison](<a href=“]Undergraduate”>
I was told around 80% EGR get into their first choice major.</p>

<p>No- post #5. You do NOT get accepted to engineering as a freshman. As in post #2, you get accepted to the U as a whole, regardless of intended major. You can choose engineering later or put it down if you plan on it now. Putting down engineering gives you the summer (SOAR) advising for engineering but you are preengineering until you have been at UW and get accepted to that college based on your application then. The reference is about students who have been accepted to engineering but don’t yet have a major declared. No matter what you put on your application (or start in even for several semesters) you can change your mind later. Knowing now helps with advising and planning your initial schedule.</p>

<p>Minnesota still has reciprocity with Wisconsin I believe (your HS guidance counselor will know) so the cost should be comparable with instate Wisconsin residents. I understand applying to both flagships- you could get into one and not the other. Also, many students want to leave their hometown, either Madison or the Twin Cities area.</p>

<p>Remember we give our honest opinions here, for absolute facts you need to check the official college websites.</p>

<p>it does. I just check my daughter’s status who is just accepted last week. On the acceptance letter, it shows on top of the letter under Campus ID:</p>

<p>Program: General Engineering
College: College of Engineering</p>

<p>Freshmen in Engineering will be under EGR (Pre-departmental General Engineering) until they apply to a major in sophomore or later. But at SOAR, you may pick other colleges and not enter EGR. Once you entered EGR but do not want to study engineering anymore, then you need to apply to transfer out of EGR. So the freshmen year is not totally undecided.</p>

<p>@Midwestmomofboys: I applied to the UMN as well, but I dont think I have a chance of getting in as I applied to the CSE.</p>

<p>^ The average ACT for CSE freshmen at UMN is 31. So it would be a low reach for you as you said. I have heards the financial aid at UW for oos is really limited. Whereas the UMN has offered pretty good scholarships to my D who is oos for both schools.</p>

<p>The college and program listed is what you chose, it does not guarantee admission to any program. Most classes for engineers are in L&S freshman year- think calculus/physics and breadth electives. Even in L&S you don’t get formally admitted to the major without meeting gradepoint averages in the field after being at UW. Your D was admitted to the whole university, she can change her major/school/college at any time without worrying about it affecting her status. Likewise someone choosing a major in L&S as an entering freshman has the same chances as your D of applying to/being accepted by the College of Engineering and a major there (assuming the same college credentials).</p>