Chance Me! Virginia Tech 2022

I applied to VT regular decision.

GPA: 3.6
SAT: 1080 (I know, very low)
-applied major: undecided
-attends one of top schools in PA (out-of-state)
-Clubs: NHS, Student Council, Global Scholars, Voice, Yearbook

  • my senior grades were sent, and my third term senior year grades raised my gpa to a 3.7

I can’t tell you whether you’ll get or not but I can make a couple observations.

Your ECs are very good, GPA is a little below average but nothing extremely low.

The only thing that really falls below average is your SAT score. However, the school will review your essays, ECs and course rigor.

The stats for many people who applied for Universty Studies (aka undecided) are relatively high but my guess is that some of those might be people who didn’t think they could get into engineering (a couple of my friends did this). Anyways, best of luck! We’ll hear back on March 5.

Like the other poster said, you are definitely in a decent position, it may come down to the SAT and how rigorous your hs curriculum was, whether your high grades are in AP’s or not. If your 3.6 is UW then you are probably not as low in grades as you think, as the ones VT reports are weighted.

Update: I was waitlisted:(