Chance me

<p>Weighted GPA-4.5
Cumulative GPA- 3.7
Rank- 206 Out of 957( top 20%)
AP and honors classes
AP psychology, AP US history, AP art history, AP economics, AP government, AP environmental science
Dual enrollment classes: ENC 1101 and 1102, world religion, college algebra, introduction to computer, business calculus, total wellness
Composite ACT score- 24
DECA president 2 years
DECA leadership council 2 years
Gilda's club historian 4 years
Student Government Executive Board 4 years
Lacrosse team 3 years
Multiple time state and international winner for DECA career development conferences
Lighting award of excellence 3 years
"pack leader" for walk for the amimals for 4 years
Temple chair of activites for 3 years at the annual community service day
National honor society 3 years</p>

<p>i’m waiting for my new SAT scores to come in, in a few days</p>

<p>I don’t think your chances are good. Your Academic record would put you in the bottom 50% of applicants. I hope you didn’t submitt your ACT’s to any schools. I would take a study class and make sure that you can score SAT’s over 2000. Good luck</p>

<p>Agree that your unweighted gpa (UW uses only this, you are expected to do well in the rigorous classes your HS may weight) and test score are lower than most accepted students. You will need excellent letters of recommenfdation and strong essays. Also have back up schools where your stats are above the midrange numbers.</p>