Do I have a chance?

<p>uwgpa: 3.5 (4.1w)</p>

<p>sat: 670cr 540m 610w = 1820 (retaking)
class rank: 17/64= top 26% (I think this may keep me out)</p>

<p>ecs: part-time job as a cashier, asb, leadership in community service club, work with school board</p>

<p>course rigor: 4 years of all AP and honors classes, and community college classes</p>

<p>Thanks for the brevity. Your gpa and test scores are fairly low for UW. You do have the course rigor, but you are expected to do well in those courses. A “B” in a rigorous course does not replace an “A” in the standard version. Only unweighted grades count. Apply and see what happens, but have other schools as your probable admissions.</p>

<p>Thank you, Im out of state btw so that may lower my chances even more</p>

<p>Try take ACT and see if you can do better in relative terms. Need to improve your GPA, period.</p>

<p>Your GPA is fine. I’d say you have a good shot. Its not too competitive.</p>