Chance me?

<p>I am currently a sophmore in high school.
Unweighted GPA: 3.99 Weighted GPA: 4.17
For sports.. I was on varsity as a freshman for track, varsity cross country as a sophmore, and JV/Varsity for basketball. Its more than likely I'll be a captain for 2 of the three if not all 3.
I take all honors and AP classes, as well as Spanish and Band.
I have recently been accepted into NHS, I'm in student council and will be running for the executive board next year. I'm also in FCA(Fellowship of Christian Athletes) and teach Sunday School as well as vacation bible school.
Next year as a junior I will be applying for Boys State Delegate and I am definately open to more suggestions to what I can do outside of sports and academics to help my chances.
Thank you!!</p>