Chance Me?

<p>Hi! I wish you all the best of luck with your applications! Thanks for taking the time to read this!</p>

Race: African-American
School Type: College prep, highly competitive, top public school in the state of Ohio, 90 in the nation
GPA: 3.6 (UW), 4.3 (W)
Rank: 70/372
ACT: 31
Member of the National Society of High School Scholars, AP scholar, National Merit Commended Scholar
ECs: 4 year member of my school's competitive marching band (earned our tenth straight superior rating at the Ohio Music Education Association State Marching Band Competition), 2 years softball (one varsity, one JV), two years varsity lacrosse, member of the Community Action Team, I am a church tutor, played summer softball for two summers, worked on a berry farm (paid), marched in the New Years Day Parade 2009 in London, member of the symphonic band (we played festival disney last year)
Leadership: Held section leader position in my band for two years</p>

<p>I applied RD so I have a little while until I hear back. Any advice/criticism is open, I can use a bit of encouragement. Thanks again!</p>

<p>They normally look for top 10%, but I’d say that your ACT will get you in. Probably no scholarship though.</p>

<p>cincygirl, you will most likely be accepted!</p>

<p>In my opinion, you have a great shot academically at making it into The University Of Miami. The only draw back is that you probably will be offered minimal to no financial assistance. Can you afford the tuition, room and board and books and clothes and transportation, etc… ?</p>

<p>I can’t afford it at all. I am in one of the way lower tax brackets, less than 50k a year. That’s a bit discouraging…</p>

<p>I think that the fact that you’re AA will help you here, bringing in more scholarship money than you would otherwise expect (if I remember correctly, Hammond Scholarships are specifically set aside for underrepresented minorities). Although I think that even without the URM status you’d probably get a 16k/24k scholarship. Best of luck!</p>

<p>cincygirl. Do not be totally discouraged. If you in the under 50k tax bracket, your will qualify for various forms of financial aid. There is a lot of information on CC about aid, EFC (expected family contribution) and loans. Check out the Financial aid forums. To get a better idea of what your family can expect to pay, check out: [2012-2013</a> EFC Quick Reference](<a href=“]2012-2013”></p>

<p>Hey cincygirl, we have a lot in common, marching band is practically identical. I applied EA. Good Luck with your admissions. Are you going to join the marching band if you get accepted? I play the flute. Hope to see you in Miami!</p>

<p>Hey smileygirl1295! I was considering joining the band, I play the alto saxophone. But I was mainly thinking of playing lacrosse maybe. Hope to see you there too!</p>

<p>Just wondering, why didn’t you apply EA?</p>

<p>I actually don’t really know. Maybe because I psyched myself out a bit? Looking back, I am thoroughly regretting that decision now but there isn’t anything that I can do to change it. I’ll just have to wait and hope that I still get in and manage to get money to go. Fingers crossed!</p>