Chance me?

<p>I am currently a junior in high school, and my first choice is University of Alabama. This year I take two classes at my local community college and three at my high school. Next year I will be taking all classes in college, because at my high school you are allowed to do that (I live in Ohio).
Here are my stats
I have a 3.2 GPA
Total SAT 1540 with writing and 1070 without writing. I have only taken it once, and am taking my ACT this April. My goal is to get around a 24 or 25. </p>

<p>What are my chances?</p>

<p>The minimum admission standard at UA is seems to be a 3.0 GPA with a 1000 SAT(21 ACT) so you should be fine.</p>

<p>Since standards may be rising as the admission rates decrease, if you’re borderline for admission, then submit your app in July, you’ll likely get accepted. The school is more lenient at the beginning. </p>

<p>Borog… Have you visited Bama? </p>

<p>I see that you’re OOS. </p>

<p>Have you talked to your parents about how much they’ll pay for college? If not, do so. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Thanks for both your replies! :slight_smile: Yes I have talked to my parents about how much they will pay. Money isn’t really the issue. Are you saying that I should apply this July? They have applications ready that early?! Also, I am visiting Alabama over my spring break! :slight_smile: I also was thinking about FSU which is real reach. Do you think If I applied early there I could get in? I know it is a reach, but if my SAT, ACT, and GPA all come up is it possible?</p>

<p>Yes, the app will open late June/early July. Apply THEN…and you’ll likely have your acceptance by mid/late August.</p>

<p>yes, you should visit Bama. What day did you set up your campus visit?</p>