<p>Have a gpa of 4.2
African American
Top quarter. I believe 58 out of 487
All honors and AP, including my senior year i will have taken 5 AP classes
Honor Roll and Nation Honors Society
ACT score was a 27 but I am retaking
Volunteering opportunities such as senior citizens dinners, donation to food drives and clothing for the homeless, Special olympics
In a club at school that involves spending some time with the special needs students
4 Years of football, 2 of wrestling, 1 of track
Parents are divorces, 2 younger siblings, Mother's income is okay at best
I live in illinois
I want to be a psych major</p>
<p>Good idea to retake the ACT. Plan to apply to the Chancellor’s Scholarship Program. Work hard on the essays and ask your English teacher to check them over for/with you.</p>
<p><a href=“Mercile J. Lee Scholars Program – Chancellor's and Powers-Knapp Scholarships – UW–Madison”>http://provost.wisc.edu/csp.htm</a></p>
<p>@Madison85 what do you think i would need to bump my score up to</p>
<p>What is your unweighted GPA?</p>
<p>I don’t really know it, but my math teacher said some around 3.5-3.6 area</p>
<p>The GPA and ACT appear to be within the range of accepted students for UW-Madison, and you have a nice amount of extracurricular activities. Be sure to devote time to write well-crafted essays and ask a teacher to go over them with you.</p>
<p>I knew of one student who earned the Chancellor’s Scholarship and had a 31 ACT. I don’t know anything else about that student, or the range of ACT scores that represent Chancellor Scholarship winners.</p>
<p>Best of luck to you!</p>
<p>YOU can calculate your unweighted gpa using basic math. No extra points for Honors or AP. Convert letter grade (4.0 scale) to the number, add those numbers and divide by the number of classes (either count by semesters or years).</p>
<p>You have middle range stats. Being an URM may help your chances (remember that only helps a student get accepted, it does not change anything once you are at UW). Use your last year of HS to improve your study skills as college will require more effort no matter where you go.</p>
<p>Your intended major does not influence your acceptance- students are admitted to the university as a whole regardless of the intended school/college/major.</p>
<p>african america got u in</p>