chance me?

<p>I'm a white female Minnesota resident attending a public school. My Parents income is 50-74 K range. I got a 26 on the act without any prep. I am currently taking a prep class and hope to raise it to 29. My uw gpa is 3.65 and weighted is 3.80. I am in the top 14% of my class at 99 out of 680. I am doing the IB certificate program and have taken honors classes in my freshman and sophomore year. My grades in junior year were the best out of the three years while taking 4 IB courses. I am taking 4 years of English, science, math, social studies, and 5 years of spanish. Senior year I will be taking 4 IB classes and 1 AP. I have been in the leo/volunteer club for three years, cooking club for 3 years, spanish club for one year, and the ski and snowboard club for 4 years. I been on the varsity alpine team for three years and received most improved and all conference honorable mention one year. I'm also involved in another alpine team out of school. I volunteered around 40 hours throughout highschool and have a job where I work about 15 hours/week. I know I'm right on the edge for admissions so I'm really nervous any feedback would be helpful! Thanks!</p>

<p>Your parents’ income has no bearing on your acceptance. Your ACT and unweighted gpa do. You are taking a rigorous course sequence but you are expected to do well in it. Improving grades last year works in your favor. Hopefully you will improve on the ACT. Yes, you may or may not get accepted. You need to forget about that- just do your best in classes this year and the ACT. There is nothing else you can do and you should spend your time and energy enjoying your last year of HS instead of worrying about something out of your control. </p>

<p>You can also write a great essay, get the right teachers to write LORs, and apply early. Are you able to visit campus? That also helps.</p>