Chance me?

<p>GPA unweighted: 3.9, 4.46 weighted
Over 100 hours community service. 3 season athlete. In 6 clubs, half are all community service oriented. I have gotten 1 B all of high school (many low A's, though). Hears my weakness: my test scores. SAT (I've taken it twice) m: 530, cr 580, w 640. My math stayed the same both tests, but the rest improved tremendously! And my ACT was a 25. I am not taking either again. I plan to submit my sat! I hope my high school grades represent me better than my sat. I take many APs and Honors courses. I am a legacy at VT, my dad and grandfather both went there. In addition to that, my grandfathers fraternity brother is the 3rd largest donor here at tech and he is writing a letter for me. What do you guys think my chances are? Thanks!</p>

<p>Engineering or another major</p>

<p>I am not applying to engineering, I plan to major in Chemistry!</p>

<p>Math & Science classes taken, grades and AP scores would be helful to understand. Is your GPA based on a 4.0 scale (A= 4.0, B = 3.0, etc.) or something else. Trying to understand the strength of your classes as these are key for Chemistry majors…</p>

<p>It is a 10 point scale I believe. I have taken all honors sciences (bio, physics, chem) and am taking ap chem this year. Math I have taken geometry, alg 2, trig, and I am in calculus this year. Those are unfortunately college prep, but I have gotten A’s in all of them! </p>

<p>I think you have a good chance. VT is very stat driven,so only your standardized test scores may be holding you back… which means you should try to either increase your SAT (math particularly) or ACT score. Keep in mind, VT only uses the Math and English section of the ACT score, so if your above score is composite, depending on those 2 components, you may be better providing the ACT score. Just a thought. Best of luck…</p>

<p>Hmm. There’s a significant disconnect between your GPA/course rigor compared to your SAT scores - a 530 in Math is extremely low given that you are currently taking Calculus. I think VT will look at the grading practices at your local HS to determine whether high GPA students have been successful at Virginia Tech. If yes, then they may overlook the low SAT in math. </p>

<p>My counselor told me that colleges usually would take someone with a high gpa/low sat over someone with a low gpa/high sat because it shows that they actually performed better in high school rather than just 1 test. Is that true?</p>

<p>VT weights GPA and Standardized test scores the most. Essay and extra-curr items are considered, but of less importance. So, unfortunately, admissions is fickle…you never know how they are going to look at an individual file. That is why it is so hard to guess what they will do. I have seen people I would have thoght a “no brainer” for acceptance, be denied and people with very low stats be accepted. It all depends on the years’ application pool, major, school/area coming from, etc. Also, you have to rememer their average stats posted are comprised of various school’s weighting policies, grading scale, etc. So, it is very hard to simply look at someone’s GPA and say they will get in cause it is well above the “average”. For example, some schools weight AP with a +1 and Honors with a .50. Others do not weight honors and AP with only a .50. Some schools do not offer AP classes. So, I say apply, hope for the best and always have back up plans because no matter what, nothing is a guarantee when it comes to college acceptances and in the end, everything works out!</p>