Hey guys! Im applying to GWU RD and was hoping someone could help chance me? I know for a fact that I’m on the lower end of the admitted students average, but I still want to know where I stand. Thanks!!
GPA: 3.69 (Weighted, school doesn’t do UW)
ACT: 27
Applying to school of public health (might change major, but I don’t think major makes much of a difference in admissions, or does it?)
I have a bunch of generic extra curriculars (NHS, MHS, HHS, etc etc)
I have a part time job at Starbucks (20 hours a week)
The main part of my application that I hope will make me stick out is the fact that I am a kind of religious scholar in my religion, and I had to do religious studies with my normal school work, which is why my gpa is not that good. I emphasized this in my essay. Im hoping this makes me stick out!
What are my chances? To me they’re looking pretty bleak at the moment 
I find it difficult to rate you, but I’d venture to say at least average.
I mainly wanted to chime-in and say that your intended major absolutely has bearing on your chances, as GW has some very selective schools (The Elliot School, for example.) The School of Public Health seems at least somewhat selective. Looking at their website they state there’s a wait list just to minor in Public Health. My suggestion would be to apply to a larger school (Columbian College, for example) as undecided. If you get accepted to GW, take some GCRs (general curriculum requirements) at first with the intention of applying to the BS in Public Health at the end of your sophomore year. The process is explained pretty well here: http://publichealth.gwu.edu/programs/public-health-bs
Also, I think that you working 20 hours a week will help your application, as work can be just as valuable as EC’s.
Good luck, and feel free to message me if you have any other questions!
Thank you! @NHuffer are you a student at GW currently?
@fazeeeeeeel No, not a current student. I graduated in 2011 but try to stay involved with GW Vets, a student org for military veterans attending GW. I really enjoyed my time at GW so I want to give back in any way I can!
I tend to agree with @NHuffer. I would not consider you anything above a standard applicant. I would say ensure that your recommendation letters and essays are in order. That should increase your chances of being admitted, but it is either or in this situation.
Thank you, @GWU2018. I was originally an ED2 applicant but didn’t want to get tied down so I moved to RD. Does GW take interest as a vital part of the application?
@fazeeeeeeel It’s not a vital part of your application, but they will consider it. It certainly will not be something that will overcome grades, scores, or essays.
@Nhuffer and @GWU2018 would you two be willing to chance me for GW? You seem to know a lot and would love to hear what you think! http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/discussion/comment/18054541/#Comment_18054541