chance me

Please chance me for cal poly slo. 3.65 gpa 9-11. 1440 SAT and 31 ACT. I am applying for agriculture sciences.

Have you calculated your MCA points?

Average CP GPA; 4.00
Average ACT: 28
Average SAT: 1325

Your GPA is a bit low in comparison to the 2018 Freshman profile for the College of Agriculture and Environmental Science but your test scores above the averages. Which Agricultural Science major are you considering?

I would say a Match to High Match since the MCA point calculation gives a higher weighted to GPA vs. test scores.

I am a little confused on calculating MCA points, especially for the class rigor. However, I am expecting my MCA to be around 4200-4500ish. My major that I am intending is just general agriculture science. Do you think I have a shot at San Diego State?

I would say depending upon your MCA, SLO will probably be a Match school. SDSU is also a Match school but they do not offer any Agriculture type majors.

Also, I have researched majors within the agriculture college and wine and viticulture sounds interesting.Agricultural and environmental science also sounds interesting. Which major do you think I have a better chance in?@Gumbymom @eyemgh

I think you can be competitive for Wine and Viniculture and Environmental Earth and Social Science which have around a 70%+ acceptance rate. Environmental Science Management has about a 47% acceptance rate. Although target acceptance rates do not show the complete picture, it can help gauge your chances.

Sorry I meant Agricultural & Environ.Plant sciences, not environmental science management. Also does Cal poly slo, superscore between ACT and SAT. I got a 750 on math and 690 for english. As for Act I have a 35 on English and 31 on for math. What would my MCA be for test scores?


You are very competitive for Plant Sciences.

Yes, SLO superscores between the ACT and SAT.

Here is the ACT concordance table so convert your ACT Math and English into SAT equivalents and then calculate your MCA points.


‪36 800 800‬
‪35 770 790‬
‪34 760 780‬
‪33 750 760‬
‪32 720 730‬
‪31 700 700‬
‪30 680 680‬
‪29 650 660‬
‪28 630 640‬
‪27 610 620‬
‪26 590 600‬
‪25 570 580‬
‪24 550 560‬
‪23 540 540‬
‪22 520 520‬
‪21 500 500‬
‪20 490 480‬
‪19 470 460‬
‪18 450 440‬
‪17 440 410‬
‪16 420 390‬
‪15 400 360‬
‪14 380 330‬
‪13 360 300‬
‪12 330 280‬
‪11 300 260‬