chance me. =[

<p>Im hispanic.
Out of state. UW 2.92 W 3.59
will go up by the end of this summer.
Bad GPA due to family problems. not yet. ><
interested in corps of cadets.
I do comm. serv at the hospital & library.
I started a fundraiser for underprivileged children in latin america.
I'm in 2 clubs since my school does not offer much.
I can get great recommendations.</p>

<p>Recommendations don't matter since VT doesn't accept them, unless that's changed in the last two years. What major are you looking at applying for? Engineering and Architecture are harder to get in to, but your gender and ethnicity will help you. Your GPA is still low though. For other majors if you get a good SAT score you'll be very competitive.</p>

<p>well as far as extra curricular activities go you've got that down....GPA could be brought up a little bit i got accepted with a 3.26w (finished high school with a 3.42w) but for me the low GPA was due to a freshman year mishap..the hispanic factor will also help chuy said a good SAT score will make you very competitive...btw im also from the miami, fl area what school did u go to? and im surprised that you (like me) chose tech over schools like UCF, UF, and FSU...of course VT is better anyways</p>

<p>^yeah im working on GPA, taking a honors and ap course over the summer.
I got A's in them too. =]
Ahhh I gotta work on that SAT score then. =[
Yes VT def. is.
But FSU is my second choice.
I go to a school in Miami lakes.
How about you? :)</p>

<p>Im applying for premed or biology. :|</p>

<p>As far as I know those majors aren't any harder to get in to than anything else. Find a couple safties, do your best on that GPA and your SAT and you'll be alright.</p>

<p>thanks. :)
is first generation college student a big deal to va tech?</p>

<p>i graduated from archbishop mccarthy</p>

is first generation college student a big deal to va tech?


As far as I know it's considered a little bit. I think that sort of thing is more likely to help you on scholarships (both through Tech and independant) than admissions at Tech, but it sure doesn't hurt.</p>