<p>You’re from Fairfax don’t worry. Fairfax has for yrs had a ton of the highest ranking hs in the nation. AT 1x all of them made the list for the top 100. The school now only looks at your GPA, but the curriculumn the school offers and how many go to Ivies. When you come from a competitve school it is okay to have a lower GPA, esp if it is somewhere like TJ or Langley.</p>
<p>If you look at the Naviance scattergrams you will see that you are wrong. Whether its TJ or Langley you are still competing against your classmates. A lower GPA doesn’t work and BTW a higher SAT is required.</p>
<p>It is really weird that my post appears above the OP’s</p>
<p>First you compete not only against your classmates, but everybody else in the state…UVA does not have quotas per public school in VA, so the scattergram doesn’t matter. They don’t say we can only take 5 from TJ, 5 from Langley, 5 from WS, 5 from Battlefield, 5 from Hylton, 5 From Osbourne, etc. They look at ea kid and the school.</p>
<p>Every university including UVA looks and grades the curriculumn that the HS offers. They review if the applicant has taken every difficult course that was offered, they review the % of types of schools the grads go to also. This is a part of the gc rec. I was never intending to compare him/her to their clasmate, I was comparing to everybody else in the state. Thus, if dumble lives in Springfield and goes to West Springfield compared to TJ there is a difference, a lower gpa from TJ would not be judged as harshly due to the srength of the school. Just as there is a huge difference from WS and Rippon (PW county), yet the schools might be 15 miles away. Rippon is a title school, the % of APs and students taking them are vastly different. You can’t expect admissions to say well lets take the kid from Rippon with 4.0 and 2 APS over this kid with 8 APs and only a 3.78. The same would be true for the TJ kid…should UVA overlook the fact that TJ has been ranked as one of the best HS in the nation and that you must test to be accepted? (just b/c you are in the boundary lines isn’t the reason you get to go there) I highly doubt they do. I am sure that they know the school quite well and Langley too, and they know the avg gpa that kids come out with. I am not saying that the WS or Rippon child won’t be accepted, what I am saying is the person with the coarse load of 8 APs and still carries a 3.8 uw, will be accepted b4 the kid with a 4.0, no APS and not an NMSF</p>
<p>BTW how much higher than an 800 would you want to see? 2200 is on the top side of UVA. Also being an NMSF is a big deal…you must score at the 95% on your PSAT to be considered for it…I know that for a fact since DS was 1.</p>
<p>You are providing inaccurate data. This candidate is strong but not a shoe in. The 2200 is just above average for Langley and average for TJ.</p>
<p>Last year LHS had 131 applicants with 27 acceptances. It’s not “okay to have a lower GPA from TJ or Langley” This applicant is significantly lower. If this person was from GCM they would need a higher GPA than LHS or TJ.</p>
<p>The numbers dont lie. A 3.8 is on the bubble. There are tons of kids in FFx that have more than 8 aps and a huge number of full IB diploma applicants.</p>
<p>I’m not saying the OP doesnt have a strong shot, and the strong SAT does help but ppl with higher GPA’s get deferred all of the time.</p>
<p>I know schools in Va where only the Val and the Sal get admitted to UVA. It might be rigor or the quality of education but in the end it’s not a matter of SAT or GPA alone. In this case one is solid and the other is a bit weak. Other factors will come into play and NMSF is not going to play a large role. </p>
<p>I’d say a 65-70 percent chance of acceptance. Just my 2 cents.</p>