Chance of admission offer revoked?

I was recently just accepted by VT but I’m now worried that my offer might get rescinded. I am doing generally well, except in one class. I am taking IB classes and have all A’s and B’s in them-except in one. I have an F in this class, however it’s not part of the core classes but only an elective. I am very concerned that this could cause VT to rescind their offer but I’m not entirely sure for they saw my mid-year report. I was doing just as bad in this class in the report but still got accepted. What do you guys think, could my offer get rescinded?

Please if anyone has any thoughts share them with me D: I’m very worried…

Hello, here to hopefully answer your unanswered question. With an F, the school might notify and simply ask you to explain your grade. I have heard of that happening to a few people, but it is not guaranteed. I will say, with an F, it may be likely. As long as you are doing relatively well in your other classes, they shouldn’t take away your admission. Just keep working hard and you will be fine.