<p>Both classes are totally filled up and these are two classes that I NEED to take this autumn...I'm so confused and stressed out. I don't know what to do!! </p>
<p>Should I just go to class on the first day and ask the instructor about overloading? I am a new transfer student and I'm so worried about not being able to register for these classes at all...</p>
<p>Did anyone else have this problem? What did you do when the class you wanted to take was all filled up?</p>
<p>Someone will definitely drop it soon, dont worry about it. Yeap, do attend the first few classes and ask the instructors about it, but if I am not mistaken both CSE 142 and Chem 142’s classes registration is the advisers’ responsibilities and the instructors have no control over it.</p>
<p>People will be dropping both classes… However, Chem 142 is a lot harder to get into because they don’t have enough space because of lab workstations. You’ll have an easier time overloading CSE 142.</p>
<p>The CSE 142 class is taught by Marty - awesome professor. Go on the first day of class, explain to him your situation, get your name on the ‘overload interest’ list. He tries his best to overload his CSE classes… I think we got at least 50 into CSE190m and 30 or 40 students into CSE331 last Spring. He can request overload from the advisors, but they’ll need to find quiz section classroom(s).</p>
<p>I highly recommend keeping your schedule as flexible as possible, so that if any, ANY spot in CSE or Chem in either lectures opens up, you can register ASAP.</p>
I was about to sign up for that class when I was registering. I ultimately decided against it because of a lot of people were saying it was hard on ratemyprof, even the people that liked him as a teacher a lot. How hard is it do you think if one has no previous experience with computer programming? I’m considering taking it second quarter.</p>
<p>As an intro class, you’re expected to have very little to no programming experience at all. If you’ve done programming before, like AP Comp Sci, you’re recommended to skip the first class and go to the second (143).</p>
<p>As for difficulty… I won’t lie. It’s a hard class. It’s a required intro course to a very competitive major. For some, programming will come very naturally. For others, as much as they try, they’ll struggle. The way of thinking about programming is different from just mechanical mathematical derivatives or something. It’s like a puzzle, and sometimes you have to think outside the box.</p>
<p>So let’s assume you’re doing ‘fine’ in the class, but you want to get higher homework grades or something. What do you do? I highly recommend that you become BEST FRIENDS with your TA (okay… at least get to know them pretty well :D). Don’t be afraid to ask them questions; there’s a reason they went through the interview process to become a TA. They want to help you. They’re also very top quality TAs … good communication skills, etc. I think over 100 people apply to be TAs every quarter and they take less than 10 new ones, depending on how many TA positions are open. </p>
<p>I would also recommend getting to know the professor. They have discussion boards on Catalyst (forums, basically) where you can ask questions and other people throw in some input. I’ve seen my professor on there at 3am answering questions for all his classes (Don’t ask what I was doing up at 3…). Professors love helping students, and they genuinely want you to succeed. They only get kind of annoyed if you ask questions that you can find on the course website or something like that, or if you ask a question someone else has already asked on the forum (it means you haven’t looked hard enough for the answer!). With so many students, it’s time consuming to answer each question individually, so please be patient.</p>
<p>Second quarter CSE 142 has a different prof - Stuart Reges. He’s a great professor too, but I’ve never had a class under him (I had 4 with Marty last year!) so I can’t really say much about him. But hey … I’m considering applying to be a TA for winter quarter (I got waitlisted and ultimately rejected in the Spring), so maybe I’ll meet you someday. :P</p>
<p>Check for space opening in classes as often as you can. For me since I had nothing better to do, I checked about every hour and eventually got a pretty solid schedule with all the classes I wanted.</p>
<p>The moment I saw that 75/76 <em>Open</em> I clicked that **** so fast lol.</p>
<p>Goodtime: Hahaha I love the rush when you see that one open spot, rush to register, and get a green checkmark with a confirmation!
Happened for almost all of my Autumn classes for this upcoming quarter.</p>
<p>Thanks for the response guys! I have been checking the enrollment summary these past few days like crazy!! ahah. Luckily, 2 new sections opened up for CHEM 142 this morning and now I’m registered…yay!
<p>Still waiting for an open spot in CSE 142…I’m gonna be glued to my laptop until then lol</p>
<p>ask CS advisors.they should be able to sign u up for class</p>
<p>nhhn018 - I have spoken with an advisor and she told me to go talk to the instructor on the first day. - sigh- I hope space will open up soon!! I don’t wanna go through the hassle of being waitlisted.</p>
<p>hmm that’s weird . . . I hope u make it though</p>