Chance please I'll chance back if you'd like

<p>I honestly love it here... I want to get in so bad. It's my first choice and the only thing that stopped me from applying ED was my parents because I'm from the east coast and can't visit and i agree that I shouldn't enter in a contract with a place I've never seen in person. But I want to go here so badly.</p>

<p>GPA- UW 3.6, school doesn't weight, in all advanced classes
Senior year grades- All As and one B
SATs- 2180: 740 CR 700 M 740 W
SATIIs- 720 lit 660 USH
AP- 5 lit 4 US
Extracurriculars: yearbook editor in chief, mock trial lead lawyer and copresident, 100s of hours for habitat for humanity, service trip to south africa, athletics, plays, a lot of clubs etc
I thought my supplements were the strongest parts so I hope those count a lot.</p>

<p>I would greatly appreciate any input you have! I'm so worried about this app, I don't know how I can wait another near two months.</p>

<p>I think you definitely have a great chance. Although the acceptance rate is higher for EA/ED, I think you will get in. I got in ED with a 4.0 and a 2030. I also from the east coast. My parents felt the same way as yours so they booked a flight at the last minute so I could stay overnight. The supplements are very important to CC that is great that you have strong supplements. Try to show a lot of interest (email or call if you have any questions). Good luck!</p>

<p>I managed to grab a spot with a 3.37 (although with all As last semester, yay upward trends), 2150 SAT (660 CR/720 M/770 W), no SATIIs or APs, 2.5 years of rowing, miscellaneous community service stuff, club leadership, SCUBA diving, etc. Basically, my cumulative GPA wasn’t ideal, but I saved it with strong 12th grade performance and relatively unique ECs. Your GPA is better than mine and it sounds like you’re on an upward trend, your SATs are great, and you seem to have strong ECs. As long as you write some good essays and supplements, I’d say you’ve got a really strong chance. Remember: CC tends to care way more about things like passion for your ECs, how good of a fit you’d be for them, etc. than they do about grades and scores. Base your essays off of this and you’ll be fine. </p>

<p>Also, visit if you can. It’s waaay worth it.</p>

<p>Thank you very much for your replies! My parents said I can visit if I get in, I’m lucky they even decided I could apply because for a while they were really apprehensive about western schools. I’m just worried that it won’t look like I’m interested enough… I would email the admissions rep but I don’t really have any questions because I’ve done a lot of research. Thank you so much again though guys I’m so nervous but this was nice to hear!</p>

<p>I’d say a solid 75% chance</p>