<p>Hi... I REALLY want to go to NYU, BU, BC, USC, or university of washington.</p>
<p>My GPA is 3.4 unweighted...
I screwed up when i was frenshman year... mostly i got B's....
but then i got mostly A's on sophomore year and junior year was rigorous that mostly i got A's, b's, and C's... because all my classes were like AP class I got 26 on my ACT but i know that i can raise it to like 32 or something because i didnt even study for ACT. I have some extracurriculum and also internship at Priavte Banking, company, and college. Also 200+ community services.</p>
<p>IS there ANY chance to get in those colleges?
I really need to go there..</p>
<p>thanks and what else do i need to improve?
i know definately GPA and my ACT and also do well on SAT...</p>